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Kuboyasu Aren x Reader-Chan x Saiki Kusuo
Requested by @LastLightAlive




"..Happy Birthday dear (Y/N), happy birthday to you." We were all seated in the living room as Nendou, Shun, Toritsuka, and Kuboyasu sang as I blew out the candles on the birthday cake Shun made for me (Saiki only watched, not surprising). Everyone cheered as my brother slid the birthday cake on the side to create some space.

"Time for presents!" Toritsuka fist-pumped the air, as he tried to find his in his backpack.
"I think I left my present in my house." Nendou scratched the back of his head. "Sorry pal, I'll be right back." He dashed out of the door. What an oaf.

"Hey (Y/N), open mine first." Kuboyasu outstretched his arm that held my gift.

"Here you go, (Y/N)." Saiki pushed his gift across the coffee table.

They both narrowed their eyes at each other.
I had a mental debate on which one to open first, until Shun saved me from this dilemma.

"(Y/N), open these first," He passed them out to me. "The little one is from mom and dad, and the big one's from me." I nodded as I gladly took them.

For some reason, Kuboyasu and Saiki glared at him, as they slowly returned their gifts back to them.

"Wow, the wrapping paper looks fantastic," I studied the zebra covered wrapping paper. "You actually wrapped it perfectly for once." I teased, and the others snickered.

"Shut up and open it." He giggled lightly. I smirked as I unwrapped the hideous wrapping paper to find a large box. I looked at my brother excitedly.

'Is this what I think it is?!'
I opened it and saw a pennyboard that had my name on the other side of the board. It had my favorite color. This was a dream to have since I was younger.
I squealed with joy, I wanted a pennyboard for so long. Kuboyasu smiled at me as Saiki remained his stoic expression.

"Thank you so much, Shun!" I pulled him into a tight embrace. "I wanted this for so long!"

"No problem, (Y/N)." He returned the hug. "Ok, mom and dad's next." He gave their present to me.

I carefully unfolded the wrapping paper to reveal a little card and my favorite book series. I gasped and Shun smiled at me. There was a little sticky note on the first book of the series. Kuboyasu looked at the books curiously.

"Dearest (Y/N),
We are very sorry we didn't make it on your birthday. But we promise our gift we left you is a great one (better than your brother's at least). We will see you a few days after your birthday.
Happy birthday, dear. Love you!

-Mom & Dad."

"I love it," I said after a few seconds, clutching the books close to my chest. "I really do."

"Save it for later, mine's next!" Toritsuka threw his present at me. I flawlessly caught it.

"Nice catch, (Y/N)." Saiki praised me.

"Thanks Saiki-kun." I thanked him and smiled.

I swore I saw Kuboyasu clench his fist.

I tore the wrapping paper apart as I saw a photo album with the adventures all of us went together the previous year.
The beach, the theme park, and the camping trip, everything was here.

I giggled as I saw myself piggyback riding Saiki in the skate park.

"Look at your face in this one, Saiki-kun," I couldn't contain my giggles.
Saikk grinned at me, while Kuboyasu scoffed and looked out the window.

"Thank you so much, Toritsuka," I stood up and walked up to him. "I'll cherish this album forever." I hugged him.

"No worries, (Y/N)." He smiled at me.

Nendou came back with a small box in his hands.
"Here you go, pal!" He handed it to me. There was small backpack to keep my belongings close to me inside.

"It's lovely Nendou," I said. "Thank you so much."
He nodded, giving me a thumbs-up in return with a stupid grin.

"My turn!" Kuboyasu outstretched his arm to give me his gift and I took it, my heart beating rapidly as I blushed.

I opened the little bag and inside there was another tiny bag inside.
'This is going to be good.' I thought.

Inside, there was a bracelet— wait. OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH.

I held the bracelet in my hand and jumped on the couch. "No way! It looked like the bracelet I had when we were younger!" I wave of joy washed over me. "Thank you, thank you! And how did you get a copy?! It looks exactly like it!"

This bracelet meant so much to me when I was younger that I couldn't trade it for anything in the world. I was deeply upset when I lost it, but who knows when there was another one that looked exactly like it.

"It's not a copy." (cheap gift giver lol) Kuboyasu said. I stopped jumping.

"Are you serious?" I gaped at him. He just kept smiling like an idiot. "Kuboyasu, are you serious?!"

"Look at the locket picture and you'll see!"

I opened the locket to reveal a picture of me when I was in grade school with Kuboyasu with a butterfly sticker in the corner. I started to cry.
"I found it in the very back in my closet. Thought it would be a good surprise on your birthday."

"Oh my god," I was bawling when I embraced him, Shun and Toritsuka applauding. "You're the best, Aren-kun. Thank you so much."

"No problem, (Y/N)." He buried his head into my hair, Saiki twitching his left eye.

"My turn." Saiki pushed his gift toward me.
"Woah, it looks marvelous." I studied the ribbon on the box and untied it, my heart beating rapidly again.

One glance inside the box and I was hyperventilating again.

"Holy crap, Saiki!" I was jumping up and down again. "How did you know I wanted this?" I pulled out the very thing I always, always wanted since I grew up into teenagehood.

A MONOCHROME CAMERA! I was laughing and the familiar rush of joy that completely engulfed me. He grinned, something sparkling in his eyes. How did he know that I had a passion for photography?

"I knew that's what you wanted, so why not get one with your favorite color?" Saiki smiled. Not even two seconds later, he was tackled to the ground and I enclosed him in my arms. He smelled like coffee.

"Thank you so much, Saiki. This is all too much." I sniffled.
"Pleasure's all mine." We both stood up.
"And thank you everyone for the wonderful gifts." I turned to face everyone.

"Alright! Cake time!" Shun rushed to the kitchen.

"I want the first slice!" Toritsuka followed.

Kuboyasu and Saiki looked at each other wearily, as if they were ready to kill each other. Well, it seemed like it.

I couldn't be more grateful today. This was the best birthday ever!

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