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to all of my readers who requested a plotline, it should come soon!

"Coffee jelly? What's that?"

Saiki stiffened. You might as well be his least favorite person in this world, but now it just dropped to the extent where he literally wants to send you to the deepest depths of hell.

"You don't know what coffee jelly is?" His voice was dangerously low as the tension building up on the both of you was increasing dramatically.

"Uh, yeah.." You sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck nervously while jokingly admitting to relieve the tension. "But I'm open to try some." You hastily added.

He stood there looking over his shoulder with an unreadable expression, while you were just left standing next to him hesitantly looking down at your feet with humiliation. Wow, making friends sure is difficult.

Although you have already assured to Saiki that you were willing to try some, it felt like he was secretly disowning you inside. Not that you were blaming him, coffee jelly sounds pretty good and it would probably be a sin to not try coffee jelly if you were beside this man.

He sighed after a minute of silence. "Let's go."

You whipped your head over to face him. "Go where exactly?"

"Café Mami." His abrupt and emotionless reply made you snap out of your second thoughts. "To get you coffee jelly."

This man is pretty powerful.

"Oh yeah, of course." You shook your head mentally. What is Café Mami?

Many of your questions were left unanswered.


The walk over to the café consisted of sighs and hands shoving into pockets. It all stopped once the both of you stood at the entrance of the petite café.

You heaved breathily with exhaustion from the walk, excited to finally go inside to eat and rest. Glancing around, you assumed that this was just a regular café.

"What are you waiting for?" He snapped. You jolted from the sudden scold and open the entrance door to reveal what basically looked like heaven.

This place is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.

The decorations of the café looked homey, the perfect place to study or hang around. The aroma of sweet desserts clouded your nose while you studied the deserted café. Noticing that the place wasn't full, it gave you the freedom to sit wherever you want.

'This place is something else.' You smiled to yourself.

"Pick us a table, (L/N)." Saiki again snaps you out of your thoughts. "And make sure you pick a booth."
He was still stern as ever, but it didn't bother you a lot.

"Alright," You strolled around the place with Saiki following behind. It took you a good 20 seconds to find the both of you a good spot to enjoy your desserts.

"Here." You pointed to the spot you desired. A little booth beside the window for a full view of the streets of your hometown was the best pick for you. You slouched down on the comfy bench and sighed with relief while looking at the view before you before scanning the menu placed in front of you.

"Not bad." He took the seat opposite from you. "This is where I always sit when I come here."

You repositioned yourself to give him your full attention. "Really?"

He sighed once more and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. "Yes, now will you stop talking?"

"But you made me spark an interest in your trips coming here." You mirrored his exact movements from earlier, resting your chin on your palm. "You brought me here, so I'll ask some questions about this café and try to answer them to the best of your extent since you obviously love this place."

"Fine then." Although he agreed to do it, he wasn't aware on how this will turn out.

The questions you were asking abruptly turned to a full fled conversation. So deep in fact. You heartedly combusted laughs here and there from Saiki's never-before-heard stories about his childhood and other topics (though avoiding topics about ideas that were very personal to him). He didn't look like the person that will do any of these things, and you weren't complaining at all.

Something about your laugh completely drawn himself to you, forcing him to talk even more. The more he talked to you, the more comfortable and off character he became. He completely broke off character when he suddenly chuckled at your mini-story, and you became more determined to fuel his excitement with more entertaining stories.

"I've actually never thought you were capable of doing any of this." You admitted. "I thought you were an emotionless prick that hated everything."

It seemed like hours talking to him in the café, even though it was only five minutes. You were willing to ask him and bring up more topics, since you were so interested.

"Honestly, I was forever scarred of going into my parents' bedroom. I can never go in there without reliving that nightmare." You joked.

The once stoic psychic tugged his lips up to form a slight smile after, making you return it as well.

"Your parents are pretty frisky." Saiki placed the both of his arms to the sides of his body.

"Ah!" A waitress frantically looked to your direction. "I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting, I fell asleep. Now what can I get for the both of you?" She held up her notepad and pen ready and prepared.

Explains the absence of the deserted café.

"Just two coffee jelly bowls." His original persona returned leaving you looking down at the table with an uneasy feeling.

"Water for the both of us." You interjected, the waitress briskly writing down furiously even though it wasn't necessary for her to do so.

"Alright, two coffee jellies and waters coming right up!" And with that, she turned her heel and zoomed out of sight.

With the silence swallowing the both of you in those minutes, you decided to take advantage of the time to appreciate these small moments.

"Saiki?" You called out to him. He hesitantly looked your way when he was called upon.

"Thank you for bringing me here," You warmly smiled. "Even though we were only here for 10 minutes, I really enjoy it here so far."

He only nodded and looked away.

No less than seven minutes later, your orders were
brought to your table. Saiki wasn't hesitating to get a bite of his favorite dessert, but you stopped him from enjoying it.

"Wait!" You held your hands out to signal him to stop. "Since it's my first time eating coffee jelly, at least let my first bite be memorable."

"What can we do to make it memorable?" He held his spoon close to his mouth. Such idiotic actions.

You pointed your full spoon at him. "Cheers!"

He took a good look at it, then back at you.

It has been a long time since he had an actual good time with someone. That is what makes it memorable for him also.

(L/N) deserves it.

The small sound of two spoons colliding for a second was heard. Then it was time to dig in.


Your voice gotten softer. "Are we friends now?"

He thought about it for a second before answering.

"Of course we are."

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