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"When was the last time I cleaned this room?" The pink haired psychic internally facepalmed. His bedroom floor was covered with all of his useless belongings, never once thought to take the garbage out.

He wouldn't be surprised if he found a few bugs under his bed, it wasn't kept clean for a while. He cringed at the thought of it. He recently teleported back from a vacation in Hokkaido, and so far he felt a discomforting sensation in his stomach. It wasn't really bothering him, it was nothing but an odd feeling.

It never alarmed him until he erupted a cough and his eyes widened in shock. He looked around the cluttered room to see if anything has spontaneously exploded. Nothing yet has been damaged, but to play it safe he covered his mouth.

'Oh no,' He panicked. 'Please don't tell me I'm sick."

He frantically teleported to his bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet, but there was nothing inside.

'Good grief.'

He can teleport to the shop a few blocks away, but he was physically and mentally drained. He might as well get some good rest and take a day off from school tomorrow, but there might be some consequences for not managing his sickness soon. He sneezed and the bar of soap on the sink exploded into a bunch of pieces.

An idea suddenly clicked as he abruptly stopped rummaging the bathroom cabinet. He sat down on the floor and closed his eyes, desperately needing some assistance to cure his sickness.

"(Y/N), I need your help," He telepathically sent a message to your brain. "Something bad happened to me."


In a few minutes flat, you were knocking on Saiki's door. In your right hand, you held a plastic bag filled with your best friend's favorite snacks. You gingerly neatened your outfit as a dazed Saiki-kun opened the front door, not even a second went by as he forcefully pulled you in.


You yelped at the sudden action, but you managed to land on the couch. You found the psychic on the floor, oddly exhausted by that one action.

"Are you crazy? You could've killed me!"
"As if, I didn't even try. My powers aren't working properly."

"Mhm, yeah." You shifted your position on the couch. "What am I here for exactly?"
"Just stop and help me out, there's a lot of stuff I need you to do for me."

His appearance looked very poor, you reckoned he was fatigued from his recent vacation. To his very messy hair to his baggy gym shorts, it was anything but hard to notice that something was up with him.

"Saiki, are you okay?" You walked over to him and crouched beside him as you gently pressed your hand on his forehead.

"Does it look like I look okay?" He snapped at your stupidity. Your brows furrowed, wondering why he was a little passive than normal today. He usually would say something brutal, but you just let it slide.

"What climbed up your ass today?"
"Shut up and help me."

You chuckled lightly at his desperate expression. He looked so adorable when he's angry. From all of the years you knew him, his most natural and cutest state is when he's angry. But he could never raise his voice at you. You liked him for a while now, and you have to agree that this was your favorite quality from him.

"Christ, you're burning up," You stood up, his forehead was practically on fire. "I don't have any medicine with me, but I can make something to calm you down." You shuffled into his deserted kitchen in hopes to try to make something decent for him.

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