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warning: mild language ahead. proceed with caution.


Massaging your temples, you tried to convince yourself that your fiancé is just running late to your long awaited date. You glanced at the clock for the millionth time that hour, and let out a frustrated sigh. It was already nine pm, and he was supposed to be here at five. You sat in the same spot for four hours waiting for the love of your life to show up, when you could've left hours ago.

But you didn't, you sat and waited for him. Just like you patiently waited for him to give you a chance to convince him to love you all of those years ago.

You can say that you were a very patient person.

You scrolled through your messages with Aren, but he hasn't responded to any of it. He promised you that this time he will show up this time, but clearly he hasn't. The waitress in the restaurant kept around and asked you if you needed anything or to keep you company while you wait for the past few hours, but you politely declined each one.

"This was a fucking waste of my time, he really stood me up like that." You buried your face into your hands in shame.

At this point, you were too exhausted and embarrassed to look at anyone or ask for anything to the staff of the restaurant. Angry but silent tears were threatening to spill out, but you didn't want to spoil your makeup. But what's the point, he wasn't going to show up anyway.

"Excuse me," The same waitress tapped your shoulder, you jolting in the process while patting your tears away. "May I get you something and sit with you here? It's on the house."

She looked at you with her kind doe eyes, and it really looked like that she wanted to help you. You didn't hesitate this time and quietly mumbled a small yes and she went off to the kitchen.

A few minutes passed and she brought two slices of warm almond cake for the both of you, and a glass of red wine just for you. You gasped at how simple but amazing it looked.

"Here you go," She placed the food items onto your table neatly, and graciously took the seat your fiancé was supposed to sit in.

"We're about to close, and you've been here since the sun was still up." She smiled weakly at you. "Please enjoy the wine, dessert, and my company."

You smiled guiltily at her, and began to dig into the cake. The first bite was absolute heaven, and you shamelessly finished the slice in a few seconds.

"That was the best cake slice I've ever eaten." You patted the corners of your mouth delicately.

"Awh thanks, it's the house recipe of this restaurant. Do you want my slice?"

Again, you shamelessly took her cake and ate it. Silence abruptly fell between you two, and you decided to break the ice by asking her a simple question.

"So how are you?"

She placed her chin on her hand that was resting upon the table. "I'm pretty good, thank you. How about you?"

And that started a real long conversation between the both of you.

saiki kusuo | one-shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora