beach day pt. 2

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the image above is not mine, it's
@/kaidouisswag's on instagram!

hella kaidou interactions in this one


"WOOHOOO!" The students cheered as soon as they arrived.

The beach was heavily packed with all of the students from PK Academy, along with families and foreigners from all around.

"What should we do first?" Kaidou asked the group.

"Don't peep at the girls while they're changing." (Y/N) blurted in before anyone interrupted. Half of the group groaned in annoyance, and the other group looked down at them in disgust.

"Now that's out of the picture, let's get some food or something." Kuboyasu suggested, alleviating the harsh tension. Pulling out a crumpled brochure from his swimming trunks. "There's a popular takoyaki stand near here somewhere, let's get some of that first."

The group murmured in agreement as they followed Kuboyasu to the food stands on the other side of the beach.

"Wait!" Hairo called out, counting the number of people in the group and putting on a disatisfied face. "I think we're missing somebody."

"I think so, too."
"Who could it be?"

Kaidou studied the fine sand. After a brief moment of silence, his eyes twinkled.

"Saiki's missing." Of course he is. Just like last time.

"Oh yeah, Saiki's not here."
"Did he not want to come? It's a perfect day to be out here!"

(Y/N) looked at Kaidou worriedly. Kaidou told her to brush it off, as there was no room to worry.

"Don't worry," he said in a hushed tone. "It's just like last time, he'll be here."

"Well, how can you be so sure?" she said, furrowing her eyebrows and losing her gaze in the crowd.

"You're so stupid, (Y/N)." Kaidou chuckled at the sight of (Y/N) puffing her cheeks out in annoyance. A faint breeze gently brushed the duo's face as they admired the beautiful ocean scenery before them.

"If only Saiki was here to enjoy the view with us." she sighed, reaching out for Kaidou's arm as she balanced on rocks, hoping she wouldn't fall into the hot sand.

"Stop obsessing over him, you're like in love with him or something!" he bursted out, making (Y/N) almost stumble.

"Yes, now shut your face up!" she smacked his arm away, refusing any more help from her best friend.

The chuunibiyou stopped almost immediately. "Are you serious?" his face dropped to a more serious expression, the one that reminded her of the person she was infatuated with.

She nodded slowly, her eyes never leaving his.

A few seconds of pure silence went by, before a little peep from Kaidou's throat choked out.

The little squeaks gradually turned to a series of laughter, heavy laughter to be exact.

She grimaced, briskly trying to hop away on the rocks from Kaidou to avoid any other unwelcome stares from onlookers, whose attention was diverted to his maniacal laughter.

"You're not my best friend anymore!"

"You're such a kid, (Y/N)!" more laughter can be heard, even though she was more than a few meters from the blue-haired kid who couldn't stand on their own two feet due to the uncontrollable laughter.

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