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Connor enters the station and surveys the large room filled with desks. He stops for a moment, before walking in your direction. You're sat at your own desk across from Hanks, scrolling through all recorded deviant files. You were too engrossed in your work to notice Connors tall mechanical body standing in front of you.

"Good morning, Sergent L/N."

You jump, surprised. Your hand instinctively dropping to your gun. "Goddamnit, Connor! You scared me." Upon realising who, or what it was, your hand falls from your gun and instead goes to your wildly beating heart.

"I'm sorry. It was not my intention to scare you." He tilts his head. You notice that he does that a lot... He looks around the room once more. "Do you know what time Lieutenant Anderson usually arrives?"

You quickly calm down and clear your throat. "Hank?" You roll your eyes and scoff. "Depends where he was the night before." You then shake your head. "If we're lucky, we'll see him before noon." Hank was one of your best and only friends, but damn his alcoholic tendencies annoyed you.

"Oh..." He looks down for a small moment, then to the desk next to you; Hanks desk. He wanders over to it and starts inspecting the items messily sprawled among its surface.

You watch as he does so with questioning eyes. Connor was a mystery to you. He was too robotic, too calm for his looks. It seemed to you that he only showed some type of emotion, if you'd even call it that, when he was interrogating deviants.

It made you wonder, what would Connor be like if he was a deviant?

"Is there something intriguing about my face, Y/N?" He interrupts your thoughts.

"Ah- no, I just... Got lost in thought... Sorry, Connor." You scratch the back of your head and offer him a smile. There is a slight red tinge on your ears. How embarrassing, you were caught staring... Even if it is only an android. You tear your eyes away from Connor and back to your computer.

You hear his footsteps moving from Hanks desk and over to yours, but you don't look up. You can still feel the burning in your neck and ears.

"Are you alright, Sergent? It appears that your temperature is rising exceedingly fast. Are you feeling sick?" He leans on your desk, his arms supporting his weight behind him. "Do you need to be assessed by a doctor?"

He was most definitely, not helping. If anything, he was making it worse.

"I'm fine Connor! No need to worry, it's just a bit hot in here, that's all." To emphasise your lie, you brush your H/C hair out of your face and fan your face with your dominant hand.

To your surprise, you feel his cool hand being placed on your forehead to get your temperature. You're frozen for a moment, but once you realise what he had done, a loud gasp escapes your lips. You grab his wrist and yank it away from your face. If you weren't red before, you were definitely red now.

"Oh my god, what are you doing?" You then drop his hand and stand up. You're so embarrassed, so you walk off towards the break room. At that moment, you wished to be anywhere but here. What's wrong with me?!

You lean against the sink in the break room, unaware of anyone else's presence. You quickly wash your face with the water and take a deep breath. It took you a minute to collect yourself, but when you did, you decided on making a coffee to preoccupy yourself. Get a hold of yourself. All he did was touch your face. Jeez.

While you're focused on making a coffee, you don't notice Connor entering the room.
"Fuck, look at that. Our friend the plastic detective is back in town!" Gavin exclaims, feigning excitement. He stands up straight and starts to clap. "Congratulations on last night, very impressive."

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