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You stand under the concrete awning that shelters you from the rain with your arms crossed. You and Connor had hopped into Hanks car just in time to accompany him to Ravendale district. The AX400 model, a housemaid, had been seen on video surveillance cameras in the convenience store situated behind you. You had already examined the tape and found that she hadn't been hostile whatsoever. She was with a little girl who didn't have an LED... Probably human?

After the android and the store worker exchanged a few words, she grabbed the little girls hand and left.

"Has anybody seen either of the suspects?" You question Chris who was standing not too far from you.

"We've got officers sweeping the neighbourhood, in case anybody saw anything," Chris replies and walks over to you and Hank, then stands between you both.

"Okay. Well, let me know if they turn anything up." Hank answers, uninterested.

"What are you going to do with that?" Chris asks, glancing at Connor who stands in the rain next to Hanks car still, before looking between you and the lieutenant.

"I have no idea..." Hank says truthfully. You roll your eyes, slightly annoyed.

"What do you think?" You mutter to yourself sarcastically.

"What was that?" Hank passes you with a fake smile on his face. You only roll your eyes again. Hank decides to talk to Chris for a bit longer, which bored you, so you wander over to Connor. He was still, only staring ahead. You stayed under the awning, the rain left a chill in the air.

"What you thinking about?" You ask calmly, trying to strike up a conversation. Nothing was happening, and you were bored, to be frank.

Connor moves his eyes to you. "I am piecing together the evidence we gathered to come up with a reasonable explanation as to what could have happened." He replies formally.

You nod in understanding. Looking down at his clothes, they were undeniably, very wet. You furrow your eyes in confusion.

"What are you standing in the rain for?" Confusion laced your tone. Even though androids couldn't get sick, what was the point? There was shelter right here...

"Worrying about me again, are we?" He teases. This leaves you dumbfounded, who knew he had it in him..?

Unfortunately, the surprise also left your face tinged red. "Where did that come from..." You ask quietly. Connor chuckles, which catches you off guard. What's happening to him?  You were very confused, so you stayed silent. Your eyes glued to the ground in thought. Hank takes a place next to you after finishing his conversion with Chris.

The weird silence is interrupted by Connor. "It took the first bus that came along... And stayed to the end of the line." He starts. "Its decision wasn't planned, it was driven by fear." He then concludes.

"Androids don't feel fear." Hank corrects.

You jump into the conversation, finally out of your daze. "Well... Deviants do..."

Connor nods, then explains further. "They get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational decisions."

Hank nods before speaking again. "Ah well, that still doesn't tell us where it went."

"It didn't have a plan, and it had nowhere to go." His eyes shift to you instead of the Lieutenant. "Maybe it didn't go far..."

"Yeah... Maybe." You bite your lip, then think to yourself. If it didn't go far, and it was still in the area, then it probably knew you were all here and would try to escape. "We better find this thing quick then." Hank and Connor nod in agreement.

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