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You had finally got home after a long day of work, glad to have the chance to sit down and rest. The past few days were long and tormenting for you and you never really got the chance to think clearly, you did almost die today.

Slamming the front door to your small apartment closed, you lazily kick off your boots and stumble tiredly over to your slightly torn dark blue couch. Without any hesitation whatsoever, you face plant directly onto the mushy surface. A muffled sigh exits your mouth on impact, your muscles relax into the surface. You didn't care enough to walk all the way to your bedroom, even though it was only a short five steps away at most.

Thoughts begin to flood your mind like a dame that's burst.

You could've died this afternoon. Even if Connor had saved you, the thought of almost dying picked away at your mind. If you had dangled over that edge for any longer...

And Connor. Connor, Connor, Connor. The androids pretty face was stuck in your head. You couldn't help but wish he was a real person, because he was definitely someone you would be interested in. But as of right now, dating an android wasn't a sane option. People would call you crazy, maybe even tell stories about you to their children at bedtime.

Okay, maybe you were slightly exaggerating. You really did need some sleep.

Almost on cue, your eyes start to grow heavy. Sleep overtaking your senses. The lovely feeling of content washes over you like a wave on the sand during a high tide.

But of course, luck wasn't your biggest fan today.

A knock at the door disturbs your calm state. Your half asleep mind decides to ignore it, hoping the culprit would leave sooner rather than later.

You think they've left, but another knock sounds through the air followed by a voice.

"Sergent? It's me, Connor. Are you in there?" The familiar voice calls out to you. You roll over and onto your back, pinching the space between your eyes; annoyed.

When the android knocks for the third time, a strangled groan leaves your mouth. You kick your legs like a little toddler would do when they throw a tantrum, then swing them off the couch and walk towards the door.

"Damn! What's a person gotta do to get some sleep around here?" With that, you fling open the door, a sour look on your face. "What?" Connor stands with the usual 'innocent and confused' look on his face.

"I'm sorry, was I interrupting something?" He questions politely.

You put a fake happy look on your face. "No way, Connor! I totally wasn't trying to sleep or anything. I was wide awake, yes I was." Sarcasm basically splashed Connor in the face, it was dripping so much from your words. You leave the door open for the android to walk in as you spin around and wander into the kitchen. The quiet click of the door closing told you that Connor had entered behind you.

Now that you were up yet again, you decide to eat a snack of some sort. Opening a few cupboards you search for nothing in particular, Connor was yet to speak. You sort of felt bad for being mean to him earlier, but you shrug the feeling off.

You'd finally found a random box of cereal that you deemed good enough for eating. Hoisting yourself onto the counter, you reach into the box and eat the cereal dry. Placing a small handful of the oddly shaped food into your mouth, you look at Connor expectantly. He was watching you silently this whole time.


"Yes, Sergent?"

"Aren't you going to tell me why you're here?" You come off blunt, but not intentionally.

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