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"Hey, Connor! You ran out of batteries or what?" Hanks gruff voice cuts through the air. Your android partner had been standing silently in the elevator the whole trip up the building, and it was still yet to move. You and Hank were standing just outside the elevator door, waiting impatiently.

Connors' eyes were initially shut before Hank interrupted whatever he was doing. He blinks a few times, his LED flashing from yellow to blue. He then swivels his head towards the two of you.

"I'm sorry." Connor starts. "I was making a report to CyberLife."

"Uh... Well, do you plan on staying in the elevator?" Hank asks sarcastically. You snicker.

"No! I'm coming..." Connor says quickly. Hank rolls his eyes and walks off around the corner. The android still hadn't moved.

"Come on, Conny." You give him a friendly smile. "You know how Hanky-poo hates waiting." He smiles in return, walking along beside you.

"Why do you call the Lieutenant 'Hanky-poo'?" He asks you confusedly, his eyebrows furrowed and his head slightly tilted. "That does not seem like an appropriate name for your superior."

"Well... I give all my close friends nicknames. Even though I don't have many of them..." You mutter the last part more to yourself rather than Connor.

"Okay, so you consider me as a close friend?" He asks you calmly looking straight ahead.


"You said you give your close friends nicknames, and you called me 'Conny', which is a nickname, I presume." Connors tone of voice would suggest to you that he is teasing you, and you wondered if he was even capable of doing such a thing.

"Oh. Well, I guess you are somewhat." You shrug nonchalantly, your ears burn slightly. You clear your throat and change the subject. "What do we know about this guy?"

Connor gives us the report. "Not much. Just that a neighbour reported he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbour said he saw a man hiding an LED under his cap."

"Oh, Christ. If we have to investigate everytime somebody hears a strange noise, we're going to need more cops." Hank complains, leaning lazily against the wall beside the door with his arms crossed.

You sigh. "Tell me about it." You also lean against the wall adjacent to the door. You run your fingers through your H/C hair, thinking about the amount of sleep, or lack thereof, you've been getting these days. It left you tired and annoyed most of the time.

Hank told you it could be some mild insomnia or something.

Connor gives a soft knock on the door, but there isn't a reply. He looks over to you then Hank, the Lieutenant only shrugs with a sassy look.

Connor knocks harder this time and raises his voice. "Anybody home? Open up Detroit police!"

A crash from inside the apartment causes the three of you to glance at each other quickly before you and Hank whip out your guns.

"Stay behind me, you two."

You hold your gun up to the door as Hank kicks it open, Connor stands directly behind you. Walking in quickly, you check in some rooms to find them empty. The corridor you three were in was dark, old and dirty. It had a weird stale smell to it which wasn't surprising.

Hank stands beside the last door in the corridor, as he shoves his body into the door, a whole bunch of pigeons fly out. "What the fuck is this!?" He shouts, surprised.

You stifle a laugh as you wander into the room crowded by pigeons. The smell of bird faeces wafts into your nose and you can't help but gag. "Oh fuck. That's nasty."

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