Chapter 10

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** I kept the kids as they are in the movie, though I will be following more of the book plot as time goes on.

The giggling of children filled the room as everyone took their seats for movie night. There was the tap, tap, tap, tap of Miss Peregrine's heels against the floor as she made her way to the light switch. Fiona was sitting next to Hugh on the floor, the twins in front of them; Claire had squished between Olive and Enoch. Horace was in his usual chair while Victor, Bronwyn and Emma were on the opposite couch, Emma had a book in her lap with a piece of paper draped over it and a pen in her hand – writing another letter to Abe.

"Alright, children, settle down please." Miss Peregrine instructed as she flipped off the light. Horace rose his monacle to his eye and his visions projected against the wall. It started as it always did – clothes shopping – rows and rows of pressed pants and suit jackets. Shelves with ties, top hats, and fancy dinner gloves. Formal shoes that were spit and polished so well that they reflected the light enough to blind you. Tailors surrounded Horace, catering to his every whim.

After a few minutes the picture changed, there was a cabin in the woods none of the children had ever seen before; inside was a suit of clothes reading a book.

"Millard!" Bronwyn cried in joy at seeing their friend. They couldn't tell where in the world he was, but it was nice to know that he was alright. Even Emma looked up from her letter to watch.

"He left us to see the world and he's still spending all his time reading?" Hugh asked.

"He looks taller." Claire commented before sipping her hot cocoa. Miss Peregrine's lips turned slightly upward at seeing her ward. She'd been just as worried about him as the rest of the children were, and was just as relieved at seeing he wasn't harmed.

Then a man entered the cabin with a rifle slung across his back and a knife at his belt. The twins started bouncing with excitement and pointed at the screen in delight.

"Abe." Emma whispered, slightly jealous that Millard got to spend time with him and she didn't, "He's with Abe."

"Must be another hunting trip, Emma." Olive spoke up, "Maybe Millard is helping him find wights and hollows."

Then the image changed, there were loud footsteps and a spine tingling howl pierced the darkness. There wasn't much too see but there was definitely the sounds of a struggle.

"Definitely a hollow." Enoch commented. The children waited, holding their breath, hoping they hadn't just seen their friends demise. They all let out a synchronized breath of relief when the next image was of Millard at a hilltop petting a stray kitten.

"Oh, look at the little kitty." Claire cooed, "Miss Peregrine can we get a kitten? Please, oh, please?"

"We shall see, Claire." The headmistress said leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed. Again the image changed, Millard was on the same hill but now he wasn't alone, there was a girl with him, probably around sixteen with long wavy light brown hair. She was wearing a simple short-sleeved white blouse with a green plaid skirt and attached suspenders. Her hair was in a simple half up half down do, pulled back by an old green ribbon.

Then a sequence of images flashed before the children. Millard helping the girl tend to an injured ankle while they talked, a soldier grabbing the girl and Millard fighting them off, the children all gasped as they saw the man fix his sunglasses briefly revealing white pupil-less eyes.

"A wight." Victor spat in disgust as Bronwyn snuggled closer to her brother as he put his arm around her shoulders.

The next image was of the girl holding Millard's invisible hand in her own looking amazed.

"She looks surprised, do you think she's peculiar or ordinary?" Fiona asked.

"She's beautiful." Victor muttered.

"Millard wouldn't reveal our secret to a normal." Hugh replied then looked around at his friends unsure, "Would he?"

"He's supposed to be smart, but it would appear even Millard can be vexed by a woman." Enoch grumbled.

"Well she's not screaming or running away." Emma reasoned, "Miss Peregrine, can you tell?" The headmistress only looked more intently at the visions playing out before her.

Then the picture changed again and the pair were in a lovely garden, one so beautiful it rivaled their own enchanted home. They were looking at the stars as Millard's sleeve pointed to the sky. The girl sitting on the swing as Millard held the ropes as they talked more, the girl beaming with happiness as she laughed and smiled at Millard. Next was Abe and Millard in the cabin having what appeared to be a rather heated conversation before Millard stripped and the door slammed shut.

The next image was of Millard and the girl only now the children and Miss Peregrine knew exactly where in the world they were. Cairnholm. They were walking through the bog, Millard helping her avoid the dangerous spots that would pull her to her death. Eventually the pair reached the cairn. The girl looked worried as Millard urged her inside the crack in the stones as they made their way to the loop entrance.

The wall then went dark as Horace removed his monacle and shook his head to clear it.

"Millard's coming home!" Claire shouted with joy, clapping her little hands together. Fiona and Hugh looked at each other with smiles, the twins bounced where they sat, Emma returned to her writing, a small smile on her face as well.

"And he's bringing a lovely lady!" Bronwyn added.

"All right children, all right." Miss Peregrine called attention, "You've had your movie night, now off to bed."

"But we couldn't possibly sleep now!" Claire protested.

"We're much too excited!" Bronwyn said standing up and bouncing on her toes.

"All right," Miss Peregrine held up her hand to silence the room, "You can stay up for the reset, but after that it's straight to bed, understood?"

The children nodded their heads and rushed to get their masks before proceeding outside. Miss Peregrine followed behind at a slower pace, her thoughts were with Millard. Whoever this girl was she certainly seemed important to her young ward, the older woman couldn't hold back the smile that graced her lips again at the thought as she joined her children outside.

A Peculiar Time in 1944 - A Millard Fanfic (Miss Peregrine's Home) #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now