Chapter 12

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Aurora clung to Millard's arm as they entered the cavern, the thick fog had even penetrated the rock and brought a chill to the dark damp air. When they reached a dead end Aurora thought Millard had entered the wrong cave, but then he turned around and led her out the same way they entered.

When they left the rocky chamber Aurora immediately noticed the change; the gray fog had vanished, the sun was shining, small flowers bloomed in the grass and moss at her feet and it was suddenly much warmer, enough where she had to remove her green peacoat. The whole island seemed brighter, more alive she noticed as Millard led her back down the rocky cliff side to the valley where the house sat.

When they broke through the trees Aurora had to stop walking just to take in the view. Closest to her was a large pond, it's surface covered in lilypads; to the right of the pond was an open yard with shrubs cut into large animals, there was an elephant, a centaur, a griffin, even a tyrannasorus rex. Flowers of every color and size grew around the yard in full bloom making the air smell like the most enchanting perfume. Behind all that the trees parted to reveal the children's home. Aurora had an idea of what it would look like from seeing it's post-bomb version but it still didn't prepare her for the beauty it was before the war.

It must have been at least three stories tall, the exterior all made of red brick, with grey roofs that pointed to the sky. There was an entire room made of glass on the first floor and above that appeared to be a small porch on the second floor. The windows varied in shape and size some were square or rectangular, while others had a rounded oval top. Some were thick some were thin but they gave the house an other-worldly feel.

Millard chuckled at her dazed look as she was completely struck with awe. He took her hand and pulled her along the path, "Come on, this isn't even the best part."

They continued to make their way to the front door, following a path shadowed by more trees and flowers on either side. They emerged at the front of the house, it too was covered in greenery, sunflowers, ivy and roses. Lilacs dangled off the roof of the front porch. A lion statue stood watch on each side of the front steps, at the top of the stairs two more statues watched them approach. Millard gave her hand one final squeeze before moving his arm more casually around her lower back as they approached the front door.

The doors themselves were their own work of art, brilliant colors of unique stained glass made a display of birds flying among flowers, it seemed so whimsical, Aurora felt like she'd walked into a dream and had to resist the urge to pinch herself. Instead she bit her lower lip nervously as her stomach did cartwheels in her belly.

Before either one of them could knock the door swung open to reveal a tall dark silhouette of a woman surrounded by smoke. She stepped forward into the light, a lit pipe between her lips. Her eyes were sharply outlined by makeup, and her blue tinted hair was pulled into an elaborate up do. She wore a deep blue jacket with a gold chain hanging from the pocket a matching skirt with heeled shoes. She pulled the pipe from her mouth and smiled at the pair.

"Millard!" she greeted happily, "It's so good to see you – well to partially see you, anyway." She stepped out onto the porch and gave Millard a one armed hug, which he gladly returned. "And I see you brought company." She said in the same cheerful tone. Millard cleared his throat.

"Of course, introductions." He said as if scolding himself for forgetting, "Miss Peregrine this is Aurora Abbott. Aurora, this is Miss Alma Lefay Peregrine."

Aurora could hear the admiration in the way Millard said her name. The woman who stood before her had become like a mother to Millard during his time here and he obviously had the upmost respect for her. It made Aurora a little weak in the knees as she held out her slightly shaking hand.

"It's an absolute honor, Miss Peregrine. Millard's told me so much about you."

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine, dear." She replied smiling and shaking Aurora's hand. "Now come in, come in, your tea's getting cold." She said as she ushered them inside. The main foyer was just as breath-taking as the exterior of the house had been. The walls were white brick and marble accents with a high arched ceiling with a simple metal chandelier. The stone floor was covered in what looked like an ancient, but beautifully woven carpet and at the end of the hall was a tall staircase with an elegantly designed iron railing.

"I believe the current year is 1944, Millard is that correct?"

"Correct, as always Miss Peregrine."

"And how have you been? The children and I have been yearning for news."

"My apologies, I meant to write but during wartime it's quite difficult to send letters. I had worried that they might be intercepting messages and couldn't risk them opening a private letter."

"Always thinking, Millard." Miss Peregrine said with a smile of approval, "It's good to have you home."

"It's good to be home." He said as they entered the kitchen, it was small and simple. There was a girl with bright red hair wearing a light pink dress with purple flowers on it leaning over the stove. Her hands were grasping either side of a large pale yellow teapot, soon steam began to shoot from the spout as it gave a sharp whistle.

"Thank you, Olive, that'll do." Miss Peregrine said as the girl moved to pour the tea into mugs. She shyly looked up from her task to smile at Aurora.

"Aurora this is Olive Elephanta. Olive this is Aurora Abbott." Miss Peregrine introduced them as Millard picked up a mug of tea and began making it to his liking, one spoonful of sugar and two shots of milk – not cream, Aurora had memorized it.

"Pleased to meet you." Aurora said smiling and holding out her hand, Olive hesitated for a moment before placing the teapot back on the stove and slipping on a long black rubber glove before taking Aurora's hand and returning the gesture.

"Shall we take our tea outside?" Miss Peregrine suggested diffusing the awkward tension that had filled the room, "After all, it is such a lovely day."

Millard whispered into Aurora's ear, "It's always a lovely day." He said teasingly making Aurora giggle.

A Peculiar Time in 1944 - A Millard Fanfic (Miss Peregrine's Home) #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now