Chapter 41

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"We were quiet but excited. The children hadn't slept, but you wouldn't have known it to look at them. It was September fourth, and for the first time in a very long time, the days were moving again. Some of them claimed they could feel the difference; the air in their lungs was fuller, the race of blood through their veins faster. They felt more vital, more real." {Jacob Portman, pg 347 book 1}

Aurora and Millard met the others in front of the Ghost Train, they only had a few moments before the loop would close and there was still no sign of Jake, Emma or Enoch.

"Look!" Hugh shouted pointing to the sky. They all looked up to see a cluster of birds flying out of the tower and away in different directions. The freed ymbrynes Aurora thought, Going to find their children. They all exchanged looks of relief knowing that Miss Peregrine was now free of Barron's evil plan.

oOo oOo oOo

It wasn't too long after that they saw the trio walking toward them. Olive ran to embrace Enoch and Aurora couldn't help but smile. Though the happiness was short lived as they all realized that now they had to say goodbye to Jake – forever.

The twins were the first to hug him before marching into the loop hand in hand. Next Bronwyn with her arm around Claire looked up at Jake with sadness in their eyes before they followed the twins. No one said anything, because there was nothing to say. Aurora knew from leaving her own family behind that this was the hardest part of being peculiar, no matter how incredible your gift, you always ended up leaving something behind.

Hugh, with bees all over his face couldn't even look at Jake as he passed, he only paused while the older boy put his hand on Hugh's shoulder. Fiona gave him a nod then rushed along to comfort Hugh. Horace gave him a handshake before moving on then Aurora hugged him. Millard shook Jake's hand before the two shared a one armed hug then he and Aurora entered the loop together.

There was the whoosh of air and then they emerged back in 1940. Aurora took a shaky breath and leaned against the rusty rail as Millard put his arm around her.

"I'm sure when Jake sees Abe again he'll be delighted to hear about what we've done here today."

The edges of Aurora's lips raised in a small sad smile, "You really think so?"

"Yes. We've come a long way. Last time Abe saw us we were running from a hollow, today we took down five of them and saved a whole flock of ymbrynes."

"But our loop -"

"Miss Peregrine will make us a new one and until then we'll live one day at a time." He took her hand, "But even without a loop, the only thing I need is you."

Then he kissed her sweetly and they headed for the Augusta. Behind them Olive and Enoch emerged hand in hand and shortly after Emma followed.

"Come on guys, let's go." Millard said encouragingly and the five of them boarded the ship and prepared to set sail.

oOo oOo oOo

Miss Peregrine flew around the ship as the twins played with one of the levers in the main deck. Horace had the map in front of him while Millard sat on a counter with a pair of binoculars. He tapped Aurora on the shoulder and handed them to her. She looked to see what Millard wanted to show her and saw Jake – when did he get back? – and Emma kissing outside, a deck below them. She smiled and turned to Millard kissing him on the cheek as Fiona yelled, "Ready for full speed ahead!" as Enoch took the wheel.

The ship began to sail out to clear open sea as they heard a loud caw as Miss Peregrine flew around the ship once more before gliding through the window, transforming and landing perfectly among her children with a smile. Olive was the first to run and hug the headmistress. Miss Peregrine returned the gesture before letting Olive go and kneeling to embrace the younger ones who had all rushed to her as well. Claire, Bronwyn and the twins all started talking and jibbering at the same time, instead of shushing them and giving a lecture on etiquette Miss Peregrine let it slide and returned their hugs and smiles.

Then she stood, fixed her jacket and looked at the older children, Horace with the map, Enoch at the wheel, Hugh and Fiona – hand in hand- and Millard who had his arms wrapped around Aurora from behind.

"My children." She said taking the time to look around at each one of their faces, sounding quite choked up, "I am so very proud of you all." Then she brought her hand to her left shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Claire asked worried.

"Just a bit of a broken wing, Claire, but I'll be fine." She assured the young girl just as Emma and Jake walked in.

"Miss Peregrine." Emma said in a sigh of relief and happiness as she hugged the Bird as well.

oOo oOo oOo

He walked around slowly as he began to get the feeling in his muscles back. He found Barron's body in the room with his machine. He found the shattered stony remains of Miss Edwards upstairs and the legs of Mr. Gleeson were sticking out from beneath a mechanical elephant. He had a modern day cellphone in his hand and cringed at the angry voice on the other side.

"Yes, sir I do understand—"

"Yes it does delay our plans a great deal –"

"Yes sir I'm aware of the backup plan that was in place. The children and their ymbryne won't get far."

oOo oOo oOo

The Augusta sailed through the wide open sea, the loop in Blackpool had closed at 4:30 and the sun had now just finished setting. The day was over but their voyage had only just begun. Horace had been joined by Miss Peregrine and Millard while they planned the ships course. Looking between Abe's old map and Millard's Map of Days, they hoped to find a suitable place for a new loop. Aurora was in the old dining room with Claire brushing out the girls perfect – though now fishy smelling – curls while the young peculiar on her lap used an old serving platter as a mirror, holding it in front of her and admiring her own reflection.

Then the whole room shook and dishes shattered on the floor as something rammed the ships side.

A Peculiar Time in 1944 - A Millard Fanfic (Miss Peregrine's Home) #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now