Chapter 9

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The next day I woke up to an email from Calvin Klein. I jump out of bed and make coffee before opening the email.

Hello Taylor Fuller,

We are the hiring team at Calvin Klein, and we discovered you through one of our models James Cleaver. You seem like the perfect candidate for one of our shoots coming up, and would love to have you come to the office to meet with us. Please reply when you are able to meet with us and we can set something up.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Calvin Klein

A squeal comes through my lips as I finished reading the email. How did this even happen? I have horrible luck. I quickly send them my availability before jumping around my living room.

To help contain my energy, I decide to go for a run. Changing into a pair of matching white leggings and sports bra before pulling my tennis shoes on. I set my music to shuffle and head toward the elevator.
Since I have yet to find a gym membership, I decide to just run around the city. This will also help me learn more about the city, seeing as how I know absolutely nothing.

During my run, I completely zone out thinking about this opportunity. Should I take it? Well obviously. Should I tell my parents about it? They probably wouldn't be happy with me doing it.

My parents are both lawyers, and they always had the idea that I too would be a lawyer. However, I have absolutely no desire to become a lawyer.
They're the type of people that had their entire lives planned out at 15, and actually stuck to the timeline. It killed them when they found out I was moving to LA and had no plan as to what I was going to do.

Don't get me wrong, I adore my parents. But I couldn't be any more different. I've always been a "go with the flow" and "everything happens for a reason" type of person, which always drove them crazy. They're both brunettes while I'm a blonde. They're short and I'm tall. I always joked that I'm adopted.

When I zoned back in to the real world, No Limit by G-Eazy was blaring through my headphones and I was back at my apartment. I hop back in the elevator, only to be joined by Alex.
"Oh hey Alex!" I say excitedly.

"Did you just take a shower?" He asks jokingly seeing as how I'm covered in sweat.

"Hey you should come hang out at Zane and Heath's for a little bit if you're not busy," He says again as we walk toward their apartment. I comply, even though a shower would be really nice right now.
We walk in to find Zane, Heath, David and two other guys sitting on the couch that I don't know. David has his vlog camera out filming them doing something stupid, but they all stop and look at us when we walk in.

"Taylor baby!" Zane yells running up to me to give me a hug. He stops just short of me, when he sees how sweaty I am.
"Ew why are you all sweaty?" He asks.

"Oh I don't know. I guess it just happened," I say sarcastically.
"I just got back from a run," I finish.

"I like her sarcasm," The paler guy with tattoos says.
"I like her body," The other whispers but we all hear.
"Todd really?" David says toward the perverted one. He was cute but he was the douchey kind of cute. I'm been through that phase, I'm not going through it again.

"Hi I'm Scott or Scotty whichever you prefer. Ignore my perv of a friend," The tattooed guy says standing up to shake my hand. Gentleman. Noted.

"Hi it's nice to meet you Scott. And I guess you too Todd," I say looking over to Todd who is sitting on the couch still. He smiles at me before looking down at his phone. Classic.

"Tay when did you get so fit? You look hot," Heath says bluntly causing me to roll my eyes.

"Thanks I guess?" I question him while taking a seat next to David, who is looking at his vlog footage on his camera.

"I just didn't know you were so into fitness. I mean you have abs," Heath continues poking my stomach. I swat his hand away.

"I've just always been into fitness," I shrug.

It's true. In high school I never was in any clubs or on any sports teams. It just wasn't my thing. My parents always cooked healthy meals and kept all junk food out of our house, and I enjoyed working out, so I did it just about everyday.

After that, everyone breaks off into their own conversations and I peak over David's shoulder to see the footage. He smiles over to me before moving the camera so I can see better.

"So this is the kind of stuff you do everyday?" I ask as we watch the same bit filmed multiple times.
"Yeah. I like filming short bits that are equally scripted and improv. It's different than everything else on youtube which is why I think it does well."
"Can you show me some of your videos?" I ask him and he jumps up and grabs his laptop.

Signing into his account, I notice the subscriber count on the side.

"You have over 8 million subscribers?" I yell to him causing everyone to look, and David to chuckle nervously.

"Holy shit dude I knew you were successful but not that successful," I say a little quieter.

"How did you know? I thought you'd never seen my videos or anything?" He asks curiously.

"I haven't. But when I posted the photo of you and Alex in target, I gained thousands of followers and likes." I say causing everyone to laugh. I didn't realize they were still paying attention.

He starts showing me some of his videos, all of which made me laugh. They were definitely entertaining, which makes sense as to why they do so well.

"Thanks for showing them to me David. It helps me understand you more," I smile.
"How does it help you understand me?" He questions.

"It shows how you care for other people over yourself. You stress yourself out day after day in order to produce entertaining videos for people that you will most likely never meet. It shows how much you care for your friends even though you make them go through things in the videos. I can see in the videos how you've been through a lot with youtube and your career, however it has made you strong and changed your sensitivity to a strength instead of a weakness." I say without hesitation. I look around and see everyone looking at me with their mouths opened.
"Well. That was deep," Todd says.

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Matchy matchy

Jamescleaver: You're so perfect <3

User1: dang girl

Heathhussar: that body tho

User2: can i be you

User3: you're kinda ugly

User4: Are you using the vlog squad?


Sorry it's late! I'm out of town but I'm doing my best! Hopefully I'll have one more up tonight but only if my story gets to 10 votes total :) 

Also do ya'll like the instagram posts that I do inside the story? Let me know!

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