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The woman pulled hard on the chains capturing the girls hands together

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The woman pulled hard on the chains capturing the girls hands together. The girl hissed angrily.

"Come on. We're almost there" The old woman said as she glared, continuing to walk.

The girl didn't know much about this woman, but one thing was for sure. She hated her.

The woman that held the chain she was attached to didn't know that much about Eve either.

First she didn't know the girl even had a name. Or knew how to speak at all.

That was because Eve refused to speak after the woman had captured her. The woman said she "rescued" her.

Right before chaining and muffling her.

"Finally" the woman muttered as the stepped into a large garden. Eves eyes dashed around glaring at everything her eyes touched and thrashing around more in the chains only to be pulled roughly again. As the woman walked down Eve now saw what looked like smaller versions of people running around in the yard. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at them.

There seemed to be a couple of them two boys seemed to be kicking a small round object around the yard. Further away she saw to kids in white that seemed to be identical playing with a doll.

There were more but before she got a good look the chains again yanked her making her growl in an inhuman way.

"Don't slow down." The woman said in a voice that made Eve want to rip her beating heart from her chest.

As the woman pulled hard on the chain through the yard the kids stopped playing and turned to look at the two. Eve glared and flashed her teeth through her muzzle at them threateningly but they just smiled with excitement.

The woman then got to the door and knocked on it loud. Only a few moments went by before it opened quickly revealing a tall woman. Eve glared hard at her hatred radiating from her. The new womans eyes slightly widened as she saw the two. She looked them both over confused

"Mrs. Ember, to what do I own the pleasure?" The woman pursued her lips

"I think it would be better if we had this conversation inside" The new woman nodded her head and looked behind the two.

"Children stay outdoors" she called out and Eve looked behind her and saw that in fact the kids were inching closer to the door.

Before she knew it, because she was still looking behind her, she was pulled hardly into the building stumbling a little at the force and once again feeling pain in her tightly chained wrist. When Eve looked forward again she saw the new woman looking shocked. Eve didnt know  what about. But she was staring at Eves chains. And muzzle. She even looked a little angry.

"Mrs. Ember what is the meaning of this?" Mrs. Ember glared at the new woman. Eve just thrashed in her chains growling angrily.

She then heard with her heightened hearing the sound of someone coming down steps in the other room. She narrowed her eyes and saw the figure of a boy. He unlike the others seemed her age.

Before she could think to much on it the chains once again pulled. She just flashed her teeth again getting closer and closer to killing the woman.

Not that she hadn't tried several times.

That's why she had the two wonderful accessories.

"I'll tell you what's the meaning of this. This girl is a monster. She was found in the woods were she had been living in my loop for god's knows how long. Living in the wild like a beast. Which she is. Just look at her. I dont even think she can talk" Eve growls at the woman angrily hating her with every fiber of her being. Of course she can talk. But why the hell would she want to talk to her.

The new woman seemed to glare at Mrs. Ember

"She is a child, not a monster. We protect children. Not in prison them!"

"She is not a Child she is an abomination!" The woman gasped and Eve looked at her confused. Why did she seem so upset? It wasn't her Mrs. Ember was attacking. In the wild, you dont care about others. Its you and you only, unless you were in a pack. But if you were hurt, the others would leave, unless of course it was a slow winter, then they'd eat you.

Eve looked back over and saw the boy staring at her. She glared and snapped her mouth at him but he only responded with a smirk.

"You need to get out of my house!" The woman yelled making Eve look back to them.

"Fine with me the further from here the better. None of the others loops wanted her. Shes your problem now!" She yelled and the dropped the end if the chain on the floor making Eves eyes widen with excitement.

Mrs. Ember walked up to the new woman and slammed something into her and and stomped away.

As she then walked away Eve stared at the end of the chain and then glared. She turned to the new lady watching and waiting for her next move. If she even looked at that chain and made a move Eve would bite her arm off.

However the woman made no move towards it and instead gave Eve a small smile

"Hello I'm Miss. Peregrine" she said and then held her hand out. Eve just stared at the hand. What was she supposed to do with that? Bite it?

"This is when you shake my hand and tell me your name" Eve just raised an eyebrow. Why in the heck would she do that lady? Eve then noticed the woman eyeing the chain making Eves eyes narrow and her get ready to attack. The woman seemed to notice her tense stance because she looked back into Eves eyes

"Do you want me to take it off?" Eves eyes widen.

Did she want her to take it off. Uh duh. Take it off now!

Eve nodded her head fastly made Miss. Peregrine to raise her eyebrows. So the girl did understand. That most likely ment she could speak.

"Okay I'm taking it off" she said and came at Eve slowly like she was a wild animal. Which was accurate

Miss. Peregrine hands slipped over the chain and in one hand Eve saw she was holding a key. That must of been what Mrs. Ember had given her before she left. Eve watched as the chains were finally unlocked and then fell to the ground. Eve stared at the chains happily. Then her hands came up to the muffle and pulled at it with no strategy

"Do you want-" before she could finish Eve grew razor sharp claws and clawed the leather till it fell off her face and onto the ground with a thud.

Mrs. Peregrine opened her mouth to speak but before she got even a word out Eve transformed into an owl and flew away and out the door.

Abomination - Enoch O'Connor Where stories live. Discover now