The Bitch Is Back.

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Eve walked down the hall and saw Enoch eavesdropping. She raised a brow and walked up behind him. He turned and saw her. He gave her a small smirk before turning around and listening again

"Unless essential I don't discuss unpleasant matters. An Ymbryne's duty is to protect children, Jake." Eve heard Mrs. Peregrine say and saw her begain to leave Jake in the dust

"I am not a child. He wanted you to tell me everything.!" He yelled following after her only to turn and see them standing there.

Enoch smirked happily at him

"Oh. How frustrating for you. It been Miss Peregrine's rules to my hostly and this little pipe not to scare you off it's like no ones telling you anything?" Jake glared and Eve tilted her head

"Well he looks very fragile. I could probably kill him with both hands chained behind my back" she said looking at him and Jake's gulped and took a step back.

"Maybe your right Eve" Enoch said smirking smugly at Jake

"So why don't you then? It's not like you want me here." Jake took a threatening stepped forward to try and intimidate him.

However only a second later he jumped back at a growling Eve who took a much more threatening step infrount of Enoch. Jake quickly backed off looking away from Enochs hard glare on him.

"Enoch, you can't. You promised." Olive said. Eve tried to ignore that she was there trying to be there friend. But it was happening and she had been there the whole time.


"Olive is right. I do know someone who can break the rules though. Want to meet him?" Eve raised a brow at Enoch but said nothing. She didnt really understand why they kept the boy in the room. To her it seemed he was only taking up space.

But apparently Enoch I enjoyed to talk with him. So she guessed it didn't matter.

"Enoch, don't do this! Please." Olive pleaded

"You want me to spend time well with him, Jake. We can all play together. That's what you said." He said and as they approached the door Olive stepped infrount of the room. Eve rolled her eyes and Enoch sighed

"Well, here we all are. Move, Olive." She glared

"If you're going to be like that, then I don't want to be your friend. Enoch!" Eve smiled. Good.

"Leave Victor alone. It really upsets Bronwyn."

"Stop fussing, Fiona. Don't you think Jake should meet everybody?"

"He's trying to frighten you away, Jake. He was always jealous of Abe and now he's jealous of you." Eve turned her head and now narrowed her eyes at Jake

" Eve turned her head and now narrowed her eyes at Jake

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"Do you want me to torture him?" She asked

"No eve" Enoch said hiding a smile

"kill him?" She asked

"Kill me?" Jakes eyes widened

"No I don't want you to kill him Eve" he said no longer hiding his smirk

"Pretty sure I could take him." Jake gulped

"Come and play with us instead." Fiona said smiling up at Jake

"I'd quite like to meet Victor." Enoch opened the door

"After you."


Eve sat in a tree reading a book on human history. She decided she quite liked the idea of war and believed she would be very good at it.

"What are you doing?"

"Quite Obviously reading Enoch" she answered not looking away from the page

"May I?" She shrugged

"I don't care" and he took a seat next to her

"Can you believe he's back" he asked and her eyes stayed on her page

"Who Jake?"


"I don't mind him" she shrugged

"Then why did you offer to kill him?" She looked up and at him and saw confusion

"Because I know you don't like him. And I'd do it for you"

"You'd kill someone for me?"

"Of course" she shrugged and looked back at her page before frowning and looking back at him

"Would you for me?" He smirked and raised a brow

"You mean Olive" Eve chuckled

"No. If I want Olive dead i'm doing it myself"they both laughed until it turned into a comfortable silence and she looked back at her book

"Yeah I would" he said breaking the silence

"Would what?" She asked

"Kill someone for you" Eve smiled at her page

"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me"

I love there crazy. I know not everyone will like them. But I do. I love their pycopstyic ways. Iv read a lot of Enoch fanfiction and I'm tired of the girl always being sweet and innocent.

And I hate how Enoch never feels like him. He always seemed odd to me and I want to really show that in this book.

Hopefully you like it.

Iv said how I hate it when the Enochs in books he always becomes so sweet to the girl after he sees them and I don't think that's him.

So I wanted to show him being sweet to Eve here, but in a more Enoch kinda way. And Eve totally digs it lol.

I hope you like it. Vote and comment please.😁

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