Make Up

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For one whole week Eve had completely ignored Enoch. She no longer sat next to him at dinner, didnt visit his room. Read in her own room. And refused to look at him. If he even tried to speak to her she act as if she didnt hear him.

For someone who never had a childhood she sure was very childish.

But Enoch couldn't pretend he didnt mind. He hadn't noticed just how dependent on Eve he had become untill she left.

She seemed to be fine, hanging around Fiona and Hugh. And even worse Horrace. They had become even closer in the time he and her were apart.

Which sounded oddly like they were a couple that broke up. But there wernt.

They were...friends? Kinda. He wasn't saying they weren't close enough to be called friends. It just didnt seem to describe their relationship,  Eve was friends with Hugh. But Enochs and Eves, and Hugh's and Eves relationships weren't alike.

Or maybe they were, and he just wished they wernt.

Ew. What is happening to his mind.

That's it, it's time this ended

Enoch stormed up the stairs and into the room

He saw her hanging upside down from the rafters seemingly skinning an animal.

Her eyes lifted and saw Enoch and she glared

"What do you want" she asked  venomously

"I want to stop this nonsense" she glared and dropped the animal onto the desk under her and lifted up and hung on the rafter before dropping off and landing on the table. She glared as she jumped off onto the floor.

"What nonsense?"

"You, not. Not. I dont know, the glaring, not talking, ignoring me!" He raised a brow

"What do you care, you dont like me remember?"

"Eve stop being dramatic" Eves eyes turned to slits and she hissed at him a split snake toung flashing at him in response.

He rolled his eyes


"Keep talking and I'll be skinning you" she said threatening he glared

"Its not my falt you didnt understand!"

"Understand what?"

"Horrace ment he liked you romantically, I ment I didnt" Eve paused here eyebrows bunching together confused

"Romatiacly?" She then briefly learning about that from Fiona, like liking someone. Wanting to mate. Right.

"So you dont like me?" She asked and this time Enoch looked at her confused


"Am I unattractive to you?" She asked and Enochs eyes widened

"What no?"

"Oh, so you just dont feel that way" Enoch was at a loss as to what to say.  This was not the conversation he had prepared for.

"But Horrace is?" She said not really asking but taking in the information. Suddenly Enochs jaw set. This wasn't going as planned

"You cant be with Horrace" Eve raised a brow

"Why not?"


"That's not an answer" she said and he glared

"Because hes him, and..."

"Enoch I cant do this, I dont understand you...if you want me to understand things...I wont figure it out. You have to be direct" she sighed not meeting his eyes. Enoch paused as he looked at her.

She was right, she would pick up on signs. Heck now that he thought about it he didnt realize he was giving signs. But now it was clear.

He wanted Eve.

"I want you" he said and Eve looked at him

"Want me?" He sighed. He didnt want to say it. It sounded so childish

"Eve. I like like you" he said and looked at her face waiting to see her reaction. What he wasn't expecting was a large smile to some to her face as she looked up at him.

"I like like you too Enoch" he smiled as  just as they're eyes deeply locked and they both leaned in and their lips began feeding on each other

"I like like you too Enoch" he smiled as  just as they're eyes deeply locked and they both leaned in and their lips began feeding on each other

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They layed on her bed snuggled up

"I don't remember much before the woods, in fact I have no memory of it, but there is one memory, one that I cant seem to lose

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"I don't remember much before the woods, in fact I have no memory of it, but there is one memory, one that I cant seem to lose." Enoch watched as she looked at his chest as if she was seeing it now.

"We were driving, in a machine, the three of us, my mother, my sister, and my self. Then, mother swerved, she had lost control, but she got if back. But by then it was to late. My fear turned my, I couldn't control myself. I panicked and just as fast as she had lost it the first time she lost it again. Only this time there was not coming back.

"That's how you landed in the woods"

"The reason my mother and sister are dead is because killed them. The car fell into the woods were I dragged myself out. I was 4 when it happened. At least I think so I dont really remember how old I am." Enoch watched her intently

"Do you want to know the worst part"

"What" Eve looked up at him into his eyes.

"I don't feel that bad. Like I hate it. And u wish I hadn't. But I was so young I dont even remember them. They just to figures now. I dont even remember there faces anymore."

"Eve, your not a like them, you didnt mean to turn. It's just who you are"

"A monter" Enoch stared down at her. He wouldn't say that she wasnt. Because truth is, she was. They both were.

she's stubborn. 
she hates being touched and she doesn't like many people.
her hair is nearly as black as the heart she wants the world to think she has.
in the eyes of some she's a monster, but monsters come in many forms.

"some monsters aren't really monsters at all. 
sometimes monsters are just fairies that are scared to be loved.
and sometimes they're the ones that deserve love most."

Her eyes snapped up to him, she saw the emotion laying behind his eyes and a smile formed on her lips

"I really like you Enoch" he smiled

"I really like you to Eve"

Abomination - Enoch O'Connor Where stories live. Discover now