The Beginning Of The End.

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Eve sat on the highest point of the boat, looking onward where she could see the land. They were getting close.

Her legs dangled off the side as she starred at the land.

Where she could very possibly die.

But she didn't fear death.

Death was inevitable, and its hands would surely wrap its hands around her some day.

That's what she knew with utmost certainty. It gave her peace of mind.

Everything died eventually.

However this whole loop thing had her all messed up.

According to them everything she thought was wrong. All the knowledge she'd grown to learn throughout her whole life was to be forgotten and replaced.

There was only one person who didn't try and change her.

Who told her that her thoughts were fine, probably better than all the others thinking he'd once told her.

She had never known that she had came to feel things she thought was only shared between a mother and her child.

But when she thought about it. Really sat and thought, Something she absolutely despised doing, she had realized that in fact she did feel that strongly towards him.

However he didn't seem to feel the same.

So now here she sat imagining pulling all the intestines out of his body.

His blood soaking the floor.

Her claws sinking into his skin.

Annoyingly the thought of the stupid boy being dead brought her mixed feelings.

First it brought her pleasure, because of the anger she held.

But it also brought her sadness, thinking of his mangled bloodied corpse made her heart hurt.

Stupid human emotions.

"Eve!" Eve looked down where she saw Jake starring up at her.


She sighed but turned into a crow flying down and landing next to him.

When she turned human once more she also saw Emma and Millard.

She raised a brow.

"Okay let's go, hopefully we dont die too painfully" she sighed making both Jake and Emma's visibly shiver.

Jake looked at them all.

"We all know the plan?" Eve smirked

"Well if we dont know by now then we are royally screwed" Emma glared at Eve

"Eve, can you keep your snide comments to yourself"

"I could, but I choose not to" Eve said simply. Jake sighed.

"Come on let's go"

"This can't be it, can it?" Jake asked looking at the dock. Eve shrugged, how would she know?

The last loop she was in, she didnt even know she was in one.

It was her, Emma, Jake and Millard standing in the dock.

Eve was looking at a small building she didnt recognize.

"Loop entrances can be anywhere. The one in London was in a subway tunnel." Emma answered.

"What the heck is a subway?" Eve asked raising a brow.

They just ignored her and began walking towards the strange building.

As they entered it Eves eyes narrowed at all the strange lights and objects. Shed never seen anything like it.

she wanted to break it.

"Sure, this is it?" Jake asked looking around

Emma opened a door and looked outside

"I think so."

Eve rolled her eyes as she leaned against a wall.

Jake turned to Millard

"Millard, there's something I need you to do first." Without being told he bagan to strip.

"Alright, I know." Emma went to open the door when Jake stopped her.

"Wait" Emma turned raising a brow.

"What" Jake turned and looked at Eve and scratched his head awkwardly

"Um, Eve can't be seen dressed like...that" Emma looked at Eve and gave a look of agreement.  Eves eyes narrowed

"Well I dont like how you dress either, but you dont see me complaining" she glared. Emma sighed

"Eve" Eve rolled her eyes.

"Whatever" suddenly Eve formed into a crow.

Now she could follow them without being noticed

Jake shrugged

"I guess that works."

They all went outside Eve looked at the new and crazy things around her.

The future was weird.

"Look! There's the tower. It's not far. -" the crow crowd and Millard scoffed

"Easy for you say! I'm freezing."

The crow flew up and landed on the Farris wheel looking and waiting for the signal.

The signal was Jake running and flailing his hands around in panic.

That's not what he said he would do but Eve just guessed that would be the case.

She saw Emma first. She was in the distance and Eve saw her get stuck on some floating string.

The crow raised an eyebrow, well as close as it could, it was a bird.

She saw Jake pull Emma down and begin to run her way again

Then, as she thought, he got closer and began to flail his hands around like a chicken without a head.

"Eve, now!"

The bird crowed and flew down over his head before swooping through the loop onto the dock.

Then she transformed mid air before landing on the dock and looking up.

"Enoch, now!" Eve yelled looking onto the boat.

Enoch poked his head out and made eye contact with Eve.

She just narrowed her eyes into a glare before transforming back into a crow and flying back through the loop.

The crow flew to the top of the little shed like building where the other kids where

"Go, now!" She heard Jake yell and the kids began to throw objects at the invisible creatures

"Can be seen now."

"Phase two. Emma! Go!" Emma suddenly blew a pink cotton texture at them.

"Don't just stand there! Get them!" Suddenly Eve watched as skeletons bursted out from under her and towards the now visible monsters.

So this chapter is short because it was really apart of the next chapter, but the next chapter is so long I wanted to shorten it a little.

Plus I really didn't want to write the whole skeleton battle lol.

Anyways the next chapters the last:(

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