My Heart Says Yes...

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September 1, 2008

I woke up with Draco in the closet. I gasped figuring out what I did. I changed back into my clothes and walked out. I ran into Professor McGonagall as I ran out the Greta Hall. "Oh, Ms.Granger! I was just about to ask you if you and Mr. Malfoy would like to have the Heads house? The head of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff could not make it. "Umm, yeah sure!" I said running to the head house. Accio Suitcase! My suitcase appeared on my white bed.

I changed into a gray sweater and dark jeans. All of the sudden, I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to see Draco. "Draco, im not sure what happened last night, but I was drunk! It means nothing!" I said in his face. "'Mione, I just want to know, if you... like me... like that..." He said looking down. I sighed. "Ugh! My mind says no but... my heart says yes..." I said looking down. "'Mione, would you like to go out with me... maybe tomorrow?" He said scared I was going to say no.

"Why not?" I said smirking. "Wait! How are we going to meet? I live with Blaise in an apartment." He said looking at me. "I live with Ginny and Harry in an apartment," I said looking at him. "Wait!!" I handed him a sticky note and told him to write down his address and I wrote down mine. In neat handwriting, I wrote down, 8961 Newbury Avenue, 342. I handed him mine when he handed me his. I read the address on the note and smiled. It read 8961 Newbury Avenue, 345. 

He realized what I did, and I hugged him. "How have we never figured this out?" He said squeezing me. "I don't know!" I said wrapping my legs around his torso. I pulled my head off his shoulders and started kissing him. I shook away. "The train!" I said hopping out of his arms. "It already left!" he said looking at me. "Ugh! Get over here!" I said holding onto my suitcase. "You got everything?" I asked him while grabbing his hand. He nodded his head and I apparated us into the train hallway. 

We looked around for an empty compartment. "Let's just sit out here!" I said pointing to where the Slytherins used to sit. No one was there. We sat down and chatted when I heard the door open. "Hey, Blaise!" Draco said waving him over. Not realizing behind him was Pansy Parkinson. "P- Pansy!" Draco said keeping his arm around me. "Are you cheating on me?" Pansy said walking towards us. "Excuse me!" I said looking at Draco. "'Mione, im not cheating on you! Pansy and I aren't dating!" Draco said pulling me closer to him. I smiled. "Excuse me! Who is this slut!" Pansy yelled.

"That's it! No one calls me a slut!" I said standing up. Pansy took her wand out waiting for me to do the same. I walked closer to her and kicked her in the stomach. She held her gut and pointed her wand at me. I kicked the back of her knee, making her fall down. I walked back to 2 jaw dropped men. I sat down next to Draco and crossed my legs. I looked at him with his jaw still dropped. I put my finger and closed his jaw. I laughed and kissed him. He put his arm around me again and we resumed what we were doing.

Pretty soon we got back to Kings Cross. "I will come by tomorrow for dinner with Harry and Ginny! Don't tell Blaise!" I whispered to him as we were saying goodbye.  I got in the car with Gin and Harry and drove back home. I changed into some shorts and fell asleep.

September 2, 2008

I woke up to the doorbell. I got up and opened the front door. "Draco! What are you doing here? Harry and Gin can't see you!" I said closing the door behind me. "I know, but I had to see you today!" He said hugging me. "You will see me later! And I will actually have makeup on then!" I said shying away. "'Mione, you look better without he said kissing my cheek. "I will see you at 7!" I said giving him a long kiss. I turned around when I heard Draco say. "Maybe put your ass away for dinner!" He said. "You wish!" I said closing the door.


I looked at my floral crop top and mini skirt set and admired my outfit. I touched up my mascara then walked out my bedroom door. "Come on, Gin! Come on Harry!" I said grabbing their hands and walking to Draco's door. I knocked on the door scared to see how Harry and Ginny react. Draco opened the door and I gave him a big hug. "Hey, Draco!" I said kissing him on the cheek. I turned around to see Harry running down the hall and back to our apartment.

"Harry!" I said running down the hall. Draco pushed past Ginny to get to me. "Harry! Whats wrong?" I asked him before he closed the door. "You are dating a ferret, 'Mione!" Harry yelled at me swinging the door wide open. "No, Im actually dating Draco! And if you can't accept that then maybe you aren't a true friend!" I said wiping a tear from eye. "Well, I guess you're moving out then!" Harry yelled going up to my room.

I followed him and saw him throwing clothes into a suitcase. "Harry, don't do this!" I yelled now crying. "'Mione, let it go!" Draco said, walking up behind me. I turned to him crying. He wrapped his arms around me. I broke out of Draco's grip and ran up to Harry. "Let me do it!" I said pushing him out of the way. I packed my undergarments and outfits and makeup into 3 suitcases.

Draco, who was standing next to me, gave me a big hug. "Now im homeless!" I said grabbing my suitcase and walking out the door. "You could live with me!" Draco said stopping me. "Draco, we've been dating for a day! I can't move in with you! Your apartment only has 2 rooms! Where would I sleep?" I asked him letting go of my suitcase. "I'll sleep on the couch and you could have my room!" Draco said putting his hands on my shoulders. "I can't let you do that," I said hugging him. "But I can! And it will only be temporary! We will go shopping and get another bed so we could have different beds in the same room!" He said comforting me. "Fine! I will move in with you!" I said grabbing my suitcases and dragging them into Draco's room.

"It's a little-" He started before I interrupted him with a kiss. "It's perfect, Draco! You know, im fine if you want to sleep in the bed with me!" I said with my arms around him. He started kissing me. I giggled. "Im hungry!" I said holding my stomach. "Good thing I cooked!" Draco said moving into the kitchen. I followed him and sat down at the island. "Food!" I said as I started to eat. Blaise came into the kitchen and I waved. 

"I will be right back, babe!" I said getting up and going to Gin's house. I knocked on the door. Ginny opened the door and I dragged her to Draco's. "Dinner, eat!" I said grabbing her a plate. "This is delicious! Did you make this?" She asked me. "No, Draco did!" I said pointing to Draco. "Thanks, 'Mione! I better get back before Harry figures out im gone!" Ginny said getting up in leaving.

Draco and I sat on the couch for 2 hours watching tv when I yawned. "Im going to go to bed Draco!" I said getting up. "You're so pretty!" Draco said standing up. I laughed. I jumped onto him so that I was facing him and my legs were wrapped around his torso. "Could you carry me?" I asked giving him a kiss. "Ugh! Im gullible!"

He said grabbing my thighs and bringing me upstairs. I dropped me onto his bed. I squealed. I stood up and got a long sweater and shorts from my suitcase. I started getting changed. "You're getting changed in front of me?" Draco asked staring at me. "It's not the first time!" I said winking at him. He walked up to me and hugged me when I was only in my bra and underwear. I laughed. "Draco!"  I said kissing him. "I actually have to change!" I said unclipping my bra. He let go of me as I grabbed my sweatshirt. He stared at me for 5 secs in utter shock. I laughed. "It's not the first time!" I said putting on my shorts. "I can see your ass in those shorts!" Draco said. I laughed. "Second time today! I said laying down on the bed.

I got under the covers and waited for Draco. He got changed and got into bed with me. I wrapped one of my legs around him, pulling him closer to me. I smiled as I kissed Draco good night.

A/N Hey! I hope you like this part! I spent so much time on it and it's now 12:20 am! Anyway, make sure to read my other Dramione stories, Dramione Love (Book 1 and 2), and Back at Hogwarts! Continue Reading!

(1575 Words)

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