Cloudy Day

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September 3, 2008

I didn't want to get out of bed on that cloudy day in London. "Morning!" Draco said as he walked into the room that we shared. He was holding a tray with eggs, bacon, and french toast. "Draco! What is this for?" I asked sitting up. "Well, I remember this morning you said that you didn't want to get out of bed, so I brought breakfast!" He said placing the tray on my lap. "Thank you!" I said, picking up the fork. "Oh, wait! I forgot something!" I said placing the fork down. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

I slowly pulled away and Draco smirked. "Ugh, I hate how much I like you!" Draco said as he went round to the other side of the bed. He got in bed and sat next to me. I picked up the fork and began eating.

After finishing I got out of bed. "I actually have stuff to do today!" I said grabbing some jeans and a tank top. I grabbed a bra and took off my sweatshirt. "You are so captivating," He said as I turned around without a shirt or bra on. I put on my bra and walked over to him. "I know!" I said pulling him into a REALLY passionate kiss. He pulled me onto his lap as I giggled.

"As much as I would love to have sex right now, I have to get to the recording studio!" I said trying to get off his lap. "Draco!" I said as he pulled me closer. "Come on! Could we at least snog?" He asked getting is face incredibly close to mine. "Maybe! If I have time after getting ready! Im supposed to be there in 2 hours and I still have to get my clothes on, get my makeup on, and pick up Jocelyn and Tess!" I said wrapping my legs around his torso. "Fine!" He said. He snogged me for about a minute then I jumped off and grabbed my outfit. I put on the tank top and jeans.

I sat down and put simple makeup on. I grabbed some silver earrings and put them in. I checked my phone for the temperature. "Yikes! It's cold today!" I said. I grabbed my jacket from my suitcase and put it on. "You are so hot!" Draco said looking at me. "If you put a shirt on then you could come with me!" I said grabbing my purse. He ran to the dresser and grabbed a shirt. I laughed let's go. I said walking out of his room.

"Hey, Blaise!" I said stopping in the kitchen. "Hey! Where are you going?" He asked. "Im going to pick up my step-sisters, Joce and Tess, then go to the recording studio! Draco wanted to go with me!" I said adjusting my bag. "Can I go?" He asked. "Why not?" We walked out of the apartment.

I got in my car with Draco in the passenger seat and Blaise in the back. "Ok, Blaise warning! Tess WILL try to hook up with you!" I said turning around. "Consider myself warned!" He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and started the car. Jocelyn and Tessa live in an apartment together. "I will be right back!" I said getting out of the car. knock knock. 

When I opened the door I saw my beautiful sisters. Tess had long black hair that she most of the time straightened. Jocelyn had brown hair like mine but it was curled to perfection. Tess was wearing a lilac long-sleeved skater dress and burgundy stilettos. Jocelyn was wearing a cropped gray sweatshirt and high waisted short shorts with black sneakers. I hugged my step sisters and led them to the car. "Tess, Joce, this is my boyfriend, Draco and his friend Blaise!" I said pointing to them.

Blaise was amazed at how pretty they were. I turned the radio up when I heard a song that Joce, Tess, and I put out. "I got a spoonful of sugar that I think you'd like. No, I don't wanna preach, but I think you might wanna cup!" I sang as the song turned on. "I might be young but I know my mind! Im sick of being told whats wrong or right, so give it up!" Jocelyn continued.

"Uh-oh, now there you go! Out of your comfort zone! 'Cause im breaking out, not breaking down, down, down, down!" I sang. "Aint got nothing to prove! Walk a mile in my shoes!  I know the one thing that counts!" Tess sang as her part came up. We laughed. We're 5 minutes away. I was talking with Jocelyn and Draco while Tess and Blaise talked. "Ok, we're here!" I said parking the car.

 We got out of the car and walked into the brick building. "Denise, Hey!" I said giving her a hug. "This is my boyfriend, Draco, and his friend Blaise!" I said pointing to them. "Nice to meet you, im Denise!" She said shaking their hand. "Ok, we should record the song! I want to get out of here as soon as possible!" I said walking into the booth. Jocelyn and Tess followed. We sang a song I call See Me Now. (See Me Now, Little Mix)

We left after recording the song 5 times. I opened the door to the front seat. "'Mione, you don't have to drive back, I will drive!" He said giving me a kiss. I walked around to the passenger seat. He got in and drove back to the apartment complex. "Jocelyn, Tess, you want to spend the day with me?" I asked them as we stopped. "Yeah, why not!" Tess said hugging me. "Great! You guys could meet my friend, Ginny!" I said now hugging Jocelyn. We went onto our floor and knocked on Ginny's door. "Hey, Gin!" I said giving her a hug. "Hey, 'Mione! Who are... they?" She asked pointing to my step sisters. "Oh, Gin, These are my step-sisters, Jocelyn and Tess!" I said introducing them."Ok, nice to meet you!" She said shaking their hands.

"So, I was wondering if you want to spend the day with us?" I asked slipping my arm around Draco's waist. "Yeah! Of course! Harry is grocery shopping so he's not here right now!" Gin said grabbing her coat in purse. "Draco, you don't have to come with us!" I said on my tip toes and my arms around his neck. "'Mione, I want to go with you! I want to follow you anywhere you go," Draco said looking into my eyes. I gave him a kiss and walked back down to my car.


We got home about 4 hours later and I was getting tired. Draco cooked dinner and I sat on the couch watching TV. "Dinner's ready!" I heard Draco yell. I got up from the couch and sat down at the table. "Thank you!" I said grabbing the plate from his hands. "Hey! That was mine!" Draco said throwing his hands up. "Oh, well!" I said starting to eat. "Ugh!" He groaned grabbing another plate. I laughed.

I finished the food and went upstairs. I changed into a baggy sweatshirt and shorts again. I sat down on the bed and pulled out a journal. I usually write songs in it so I was thinking about what songs to write. "Hmm..." I said taking out a pencil. "Hey, 'Mione!" Draco said coming into the room. "Hey!" I said putting away my notebook. "You're already in bed!" He said taking off his shirt. "Not really!" I said getting up.

He was still shirtless and I ran and jumped on his back. "'Mione! I have to put a shirt on!" He says. "Do you have too?" I asked him. "I guess not," He said carrying me to their bed. He flopped me onto the bed. I squealed and rolled over. He got in bed and tucked me in. I wrapped my arms around him and fell asleep in his arms.

(1330 Words)

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