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The Indian Rebellion of 1857, otherwise known as India's First War of Independence was a major uprising in India against the rule of the British East India Company. It lasted until 1858 and ended in the British emerging as the victors. It also resulted in the end of the Company's rule in the country. Like every revolt, this one also provoked the massacre of numerous Indians and Britishers—ruining several families in the process. It left many women widowed and children orphaned.


17 March, 1858
Bombay, India

"For the last time, I am not going to England," Julia groaned.

"Stop being unreasonable, Julia," her mother sniffed, her hands working rhythmically on her embroidery.

"I'm being unreasonable?" her mouth dropped open. "You are literally asking me to leave home and go to a foreign country, mother. And I'm the one being unreasonable?"

"Don't you think that you're being just a little dramatic? Foreign country, indeed! If anything, you belong in England, Julia."

"No. I belong here—in Bombay. I belong here with you and father, Sanjeev *bhai, Vidhya *bhabhi, Abigail, Tara and all my other friends."

Diana sighed.

She didn't want her daughter to go either, but India wasn't safe for them anymore. Although they were one of the few English families that were against the colonisation, they were still English which made them an easy target for the angry mobs.

Besides, Julia had yet to see the world. She had yet to fall in love. She was already one and twenty, when was she going to meet eligible gentlemen if she remained here where most of the English officers were already married and the rest were above the age of forty?

"You know how lonely Grandpa Fredrick is over there, don't you?" she tried to change tack.

"Yes, but—"

"But what? You know I cannot go, Julia," Diana cut her off before she could continue. "And it is not permanent, is it? It's only for three months unless you choose to stay back there."

"Fine, I'll go! But I shall return in exactly three months," she huffed.

Diana fought the urge to jump up with joy as it did not fit her age. Instead, she smiled and went back to doing her embroidery.

"Who are you embroidering a *Ganesh ji for?" Julia asked, settling beside her on the sofa.

"It's a gift for Sudha. You know what an ardent devotee she is," Diana replied, referring to their house-help.

"That's such a sweet gesture, mother. I forget that you're not that much of a tyrant most times," Julia grinned.

Her mother raised one perfectly arched brow, trying to look condescending. But the smile pulling at her lips ruined the effect.

"About England..."


"When am I leaving?"

"That eager, are you?"

"Well, the sooner I leave, the sooner I can come back. I must return before Deepavali*."

Her mother chuckled, shaking her head. "Lord and Lady Grenville will be departing in ten days. You're going with them."

"Mother! I cannot stand them."

"It's just a matter of few weeks, Julia. Besides, they are perfectly nice people."

"Nice? I think the word you're looking for is obnoxious. I don't—"

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