Chapter 16

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"Put me down, Duke!" Julia growled.

Just as Sebastian had predicted, Michael had beaten him to pulp. And while he had defended himself, Sebastian did not once raise his hands on the Duke. It had taken out the fun of pummelling him, Michael had muttered before carrying (quite literally) Julia in his arms and striding in no particular direction. And then it had started raining.

Poor Lord Langdon. Julia hoped he was alright. He had given her a reassuring smile when she'd tried to go to him though.

"Trust me, I'm not enjoying this anymore than you are. I am sick and tired of carrying you out of sticky situations and I draw the line when it becomes literal," Michael shouted.

"I didn't ask you to rescue me. Why don't you just let me be?" she struggled against him but his arms only tightened about her.


"Because what? Tell me," she demanded.

He only glanced at her furiously. The rain had plastered his hair to his forehead and water clung to his lashes, darkening his beautiful eyes.

Julia was immediately contrite. But that didn't mean she was going to accept defeat.

She was tired of being treated this way. First her parents didn't give her any choice regarding her life's decisions and when she decided to take things into her own hands, this man waltzed in and tried to take her freedom away. Again.

And if there was one thing that she couldn't tolerate, it was being controlled.

She turned wildly, trying to make out where they were. Amidst the foggy air, she saw the shape of a building.

"Where are we?"

"Somewhere we can dry off, hopefully," he replied drily. She looked up at his face but he wasn't looking at her. He was striding purposefully towards the building.

When they reached the entrance, Julia decided that she'd had enough. "At least put me down now."

"I will put you down when I see it fit."

"Everyone's watching. It will be highly improper," she hissed.

"And running away to Gretna green was so very proper, wasn't it?" he stared at her.

She wasn't running away to Gretna green, not really. So it was unfair of him to throw that at her.


"Not. One. Word."

Julia decided to shut up. She'd have time to escape later. Once he'd deposit her in her room, she'd wait until he'd slept and then run out.

"I would like a room for my wife and I, please," Michael said to the innkeeper.

Julia almost cried out in shock. How was she to escape if they stayed in the same room? And he'd called her his wife, which made her feel some type of way.

"Of course, my lord. We have the best of rooms," he replied, taking in their wet but fine clothes greedily.

Michael nodded and tossed him some coins. "Bring us a hot bath as well. And some dry clothes for my wife."

The innkeeper nodded and ran off to do his bidding.

"What is wrong with you? We can't stay in the same chamber," she whispered as he carried her up the stairs as they followed behind a maid leading the way.

"We can and we will."

"We can afford another chamber, Duke."

"You think this is about the money? You couldn't have been more wrong, sweetheart," he smiled sarcastically. "I just can't let you out of my sight."

Julia rolled her eyes when the maid giggled.

When they finally reached their chamber, Michael set her down and locked the door shut once the maid had left.

"I have so many questions I don't even know where to start," Julia said, folding her hands by her chest.

Michael followed the movement—it pushed her breasts together and they rose slightly above her wet bodice.

Julia immediately brought her hands down by her sides, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Start anywhere you wish. We have all night," he smirked.

"Why are we staying in one room?"

"Because I don't trust you enough to give you a room of your own. It's painfully obvious that you'd try an escape."

"That's ridiculous," Julia huffed.

"But true?" Michael smiled.

"Yes, damn you!"

"I'd known as much. Next question?"

"What are we going to do now?"

"Honestly, I don't know," he sighed tiredly and Julia felt that familiar guilt clawing at her. She was putting him through this even though she hadn't asked him to save her. That reminded her...

"You didn't answer my question earlier. Why do you keep saving me?"

Michael paused in the act of removing his coat. Then he slowly removed it and turned to face her, his eyes serious.

"Because you're worth saving, Julia. I've barely ever done anything right in my life but I want to make up for lost time by doing right by you. Even if that means that I constantly have to save you from yourself. And more than anything, you deserve to be saved," he said sincerely.

Julia was still for a few moments but then she ran towards him and burried her face in his chest, her arms going around his torso.

Michael hugged her back and murmured soothingly. "It's alright, darling. You've been through a lot. Cry if you wish, but for God's sake stop trying to ruin yourself."

"What if I don't stop?" she asked softly, looking up at him through tear filled eyes.

"I will continue trying to save you," he smiled ruefully. That did it.

Julia cupped his face between her palms, rose up on her toes and pressed her lips firmly to his.

He was unmoving for a while but slowly his hands latched on to her waist and he began to kiss her.

Julia almost fainted with relief and pleasure. It was a lethal combination.

"Thank you," she whispered, breaking the kiss even as she stroked the soft hair at the nape of his neck.

Michael didn't reply. He only kissed her again. And again and again until Julia's knees were little more than jelly. She'd surrendered her entire weight to him and he was doing a good job of holding her upright as he kissed her senseless.

Julia moaned, unable to bear it.

"This isn't right," Michael said, pushing her away.

"Then what is? Tell me, your grace because I don't know anymore," Julia whispered, her heart thudding wildly against her chest.

"Damned if I know!"

"I need you."

"You don't know what you're saying."

"I know perfectly well. I'm not a child and I would appreciate it if you didn't treat me like one," she replied resolutely. "Do you want me as much as I want you, Michael?"

He was silent for a while, his palms clenching and unclenching a few if he was stopping himself from reaching out to her. And then...

"More than you can ever imagine," he growled before pulling her back into his arms. "I have some questions too," he pulled back and raised one arrogant brow.

"Later," Julia grinned and pulled his head down for another kiss.

Judging from the Duke's reaction, he seemed to be fine with later.

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