Chapter 2

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Julia was a bundle of nerves on the evening of her first public appearance in London—Lady Wesley's soirée who also happened to be her sponsor.

She'd opted against the grand debut that Fred'd had planned for her. She was one and twenty and it was ridiculous to address her as a debutante at her age in her opinion.

The companion Fred had hired for her had advised her to wear pastel colours that befitted the young, unmarried ladies. But Julia felt that with her pale skin, she'd almost be invisible. And so she'd decided to wear a violet silk gown.

The skirts were full with flounces and the sleeves were short. Her shoulders were bare and the bodice was lower than Julia was used to. The gown was trimmed with lace and small flowery embroidery covered the skirts.

Her black hair had been parted in the middle and arranged in a bun at the nape of her neck. A few locks had been curled and pinned behind her ears.

She felt a little conscious about so much of her bosom being exposed but the maid had assured her that all the ladies would be dressed this way. And that it was de rigueur. 

Julia didn't know that she could look like this, she thought sheepishly and tugged at one of her curls as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Padma entered her chamber along with Mrs.Dawson.

When they both only gawked, Julia tugged at her gloves consciously.

"Well, what do you think?" she prompted.

"I've never seen anyone look so beautiful," Mrs.Dawson announced.

"You look like a princess, Julie Didi," Padma exclaimed.

"Oh stop," Julia laughed and allowed the lady's maid to put a paisley shawl about her shoulders.

Soon her companion, Miss Wood made an appearance as well. She cast a disapproving glance at Julia's gown.

"It is unseemly for a young woman to wear such bold colours," she scolded, her lips pinched.

"I'm sure a little boldness can be excused if it results in my granddaughter being the most beautiful woman in the gathering," Fred joined in their little group.

Miss Wood huffed and stalked out.

Julia grinned and took his offered arm.

"Do you really think so, Fred?"

"Of course. You remind me of your mother on her debut—so beautiful and excited," Fredrick smiled and patted Julia's arm. "Let us leave now. I would hate to delay. The Wesleys have been very close friends of mine for many years and I should hate to offend them."

"I'm ready whenever you are," Julia leaned up and kissed his cheek.

Wesley Townhouse
Mayfair, London

The townhouse was huge, larger than Fredrick's and Julia was in awe. The building was beautiful and the light cast on it by the street lamps and candles used outside for illumination only heightened the effect.

Inside, Julia was surrounded by a throng of various peers who were curious about the new person amidst them.

The dowager duchess of Adlington greeted Julia with a warmth that put her immediately at ease.

Julia remembered to curtsey the way she'd been taught.

"You're even more lovely than your grandfather had said. I had begun to think that he was only partial, but I stand corrected," the duchess, Lady Anne smiled.

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