Chapter 18

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Julia stood still, hoping she wasn't committing the greatest mistake of her life. She'd never have dreamed that she was capable of doing something like this. She'd never imagined that she'd want this with this intensity and feel completely if she was doing the most natural thing ever. As if girls her age stood almost bare before a man who wasn't their husband all the time.

Julia stopped herself from sighing, not wanting to do anything to stop Michael from watching her the way he was just now...

She'd never given much thought to her form but the way Michael looked on made her feel exquisite and made her blush quite a bit.

Finally he moved, extending his hand towards her. Julia didn't hesitate before placing her palm on his. His fingers closed around her hand and he tugged her to him. Julia bumped into him and was about to move a step back but he wrapped his arm around her waist, effectively trapping her against his chest. His very warm chest. Julia didn't move and she couldn't quite meet his eyes and stared at the base of his throat.

It was a very nice throat, she noted.

"This is indescribable," he murmured on a shuddering breath. Julia agreed heartily.

"Are you shy?" Michael grinned, looking as though he wanted to laugh.

Julia looked up at him accusingly. "I don't exactly find myself in similar positions often, you see."

"But you tried your best to give the whole of London the exact opposite impression. So I assumed you were indeed the experienced woman you acted like."

Julia glared at him. Now that she thought of it, that had to have been the most harebrained scheme in the history of England. Then again, there was little else she could expect from Poppy, she thought with an internal smile.

"That was an act, wasn't it?"

"What do you think?" she challenged.

"I think," he began and leaned in closer to whisper in her ear, "that you aren't a very good actress."

Julia gasped and swatted him.

"Did you just swat me?" he asked, looking as if he didn't know if he should laugh or not.

"Yes. You just made fun of my superior acting skills."

"Julia, I am I Duke. You can't swat me."

"Of course I can, you love me," she said with an impish smile before realising what she'd said. Julia bit her lip and looked at him, trying to gauge his reaction. Oh but she was an idiot. Michael didn't love her. She didn't know why she said that.

Meanwhile, Michael had stilled. He looked down an the damp, soft bundle in his arms and realised that he did love her.

He'd heard his mother talk about the stuff all his life. He knew all the symptoms, knew that he'd been inflicted by the same for some time now. He'd been an idiot to not have known before.

But he couldn't quite bring himself to say anything. So he just placed a kiss on Julia's forehead, hoping his actions could convey what he didn't have the courage to.

Julia looked uncertain, her teeth nibbling on her lower lip. He replaced them with little nibbles of his own and pushed down her chemise—leaving her completely bare to his gaze. Julia shivered slightly and he pulled her closer.

"You do know where this is heading, don't you?"

Julia nodded, looking certain. That surprised Michael. He hadn't expected her to be so bold, but he was pleased non the less. He lifted her up and toppled her onto the bed, making her gasp in outrage. He grinned, looking down at the beautiful woman who was soon going to become every sense.

Michael joined her and began what he'd wanted to do from a very long time. He made sure that he rendered her speechless but Julia had the very same effect on him. Although a novice in bed play, she was learning quickly. Michael was lost. Lost in the beauty of the moment, lost in the fiery depths of her eyes and lost in her body.

And then, after the mind numbing pleasure, both of them promptly fell asleep.

When Julia awoke, it was some time in the afternoon and she found Michael sound asleep next to her. She smiled, reliving what had been some of the best moments in her life before reality hit her. Her heart clenched with indescribable pain at the thought of leaving him now. But it had to be done.

She wanted to reassure him and tell him that she would come back. Then again, Michael wouldn't let her leave in the first place.

Besides, with her own uncertain future, it would be unfair to ask him to wait. Suppressing a sob, she got up, careful not to wake him up.

She quickly dressed as quickly as she could. Her clothes hadn't completely dried but she had no other option. Pressing a kiss to Michael's forehead, she quickly fled the room. Downstairs, she was relieved to find that Michael's footmen had delivered her trunk to the inn. Luckily, nobody asked her any questions when she came down without her "husband."

"Mrs. Gale, if you'd be so kind as to arrange for a coach to take me to London, I will be very grateful," she spoke to the innkeeper's wife.

"But milady, the Duke hasn't—"

"Please, Mrs.Gale. There is a matter of great import that I must see to," Julia said, clutching the older woman's hand. She seemed to sense Julia's desperation because she nodded slowly.

After what seemed like forever, a coach heading to London stopped at the inn and Julia was packed into it.

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