Chapter 1

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21 May, 1858
White's, London

Michael was sipping on a coffee and reading his newspaper. He was hoping that the strong brew would provide some relief from the headache that was plaguing him. He'd drunk too much last night and regretted it this morning—it was almost a kind of routine now.

He'd turned turned twenty eight yesterday and his friends had insisted on a celebration which mainly consisted of alcohol and women of lose virtue.

In his younger days, that had been his recipe to an ideal evening. But now, he acknowledged that there was little pleasure to be had in such activities. He felt old and tired.

"Adlington! Is that you?" came a loud voice from somewhere behind him.

Michael turned toward the offending sound with a groan. But his displeasure immediately disappeared when he saw who it was.

"Howard, what an unexpected pleasure," he grinned at the older man who was approaching him. They shook hands and exchanged some pleasantries.

"What are you doing here at this hour? I didn't know you could rise before noon," Howard commented with a grin.

"I have been trying to mend my ways," Michael responded with a shrug. Howard didn't look like he believed him.

"Sit with me," he offered and the Earl sat, taking the seat opposite to him. "It has been an age since I last saw you." They had met but once since Michael's father—the former Duke of Adlington's funeral. They had been fast friends-his father and Earl Howard. His estate was also neighbouring to Michael's in Kent.

"Yes and you're a changed man. I almost didn't recognise you."

He had changed, Michael agreed silently. Both physically and mentally. The responsibilities of the Dukedom and the parliament had occupied most of his time. So he'd taken to fencing and riding to stay in shape. That had also resulted in his once lanky frame to become more muscular. And he supposed he was a lot more cynical than he used to be. He had no doubt that a man as perceptive as Fredrick Howard could definitely see through his carefree smile.

"What are doing out here in London? I thought you had taken to spending your old age in the country."

"I am a man in my prime, impudent fellow," Howard grunted jovially and continued. "It's God's truth that I prefer the peaceful countryside but I have a responsibility that I must take care of here in London."

Michael raised one brow in question.

"My granddaughter is here and my daughter is very determined that she find a husband here in England and settles down. Diana is content in India but she is uncertain about her daughter's future there. These are troubled times, you see."

Michael nodded grimly. He'd read about what had happened during the revolt and the amount of bloodshed by both parties involved troubled him immensely. So many lives if they didn't matter.

"As a fully bred English, your granddaughter would be safer here," he replied.

"Exactly," Howard said wearily.

"Why do you sound so tired? I'm sure that if your granddaughter looks anything like Lady Diana, she would already have men eating out of her hands."

"Oh the lack of suitors isn't the problem at all!"

"Then what is it?"

"Julia, my granddaughter. She is the problem."

This amused Michael greatly. "I wish you would elaborate."

"Well...Julia is just as determined to go back to India as her mother is to make sure she stays here."

"Two headstrong women," Michael observed, his amusement growing by the minute.

"It's like being stuck between Scylla and Charybdis," Fredrick grumbled. "Julia is determined to do everything in her power to discourage the suitors and if I don't find her a husband within the year, my daughter will have my head on a platter."

"My sympathies," Michael said, not knowing what else to say.

"Your sympathies will not suffice. I need your help."

"I fail to see how I can help you with this," Michael exclaimed, a little alarmed. The mention of marriage and courtship often had this effect on him.

"She's a lovely girl, my Julia. She's extremely pleasant when she wants to be and she's reasonable too...with an intelligent head attached to her body, might I add. But she's also afraid and vulnerable. This is a new place to her, Adlington. And she needs a chance to get acquainted with it. So far, she has only seen the superficial side to her society and—"

"I was not aware there was a deeper side to it," Michael grinned, interrupting him.

"Be that as it may, there are several people who have perfectly lovely marriages. London might not be just the thing for her but I'm positive that Julia would love to stay in the country. In all these years I've realised one thing, son...the home we all look for is a person and not a place, more often than not. And I want her to find that person. But before she does, she needs to understand that London isn't so bad."

"And you think I'm the person who could show her this?" Michael asked, already balking at the idea.

"Yes. You're the only person I can trust her with."

"Won't a companion be enough?" he asked doubtfully. Howard knew as well as the next person about Michael's reputation as a rake.

"I've already hired a companion for her. But that won't be enough. You will be able to show her how a gentleman's mind works and shield her from fortune hunters and rakes more effectively than a companion. Most of all, you will be able to push her in the direction of a suitable match."

"I really don't see myself matchmaking," he grumbled, already feeling trapped.

"Come on, Adlington! Won't you help this old man out? I am too worldweary to be strutting from one ball to another—"

"Fine, I'll do it," Michael said succinctly. He did actually owe the Earl. Although they didn't meet often, Howard used to write to him regularly after his father's death. In the beginning, when Michael had inherited the dukedom, he'd had no one to turn to for advice except Howard. And he had provided it readily.

But that didn't mean that he was happy about the turn of events. He was far from pleased. He was more than a little annoyed.

Alright, he was downright pissed off.

So now he was going to play companion to a stubborn, silly, just out of the schoolroom girl. Not to mention

Meanwhile, Howard looked extremely pleased, his bushy brows high on his head as he smiled widely and shook Michael's hand with obvious gratitude.

He felt some of the tension leave his body seeing the Earl's relief.

How bad could it be, he thought to himself as he mentally prepared himself to take on the task.


Hello people, I'm sorry this took so long but I hope the book is worth the wait. I'm looking forward to hear from you guys.

Lots of love,

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