Chapter 25

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Prenote; this chapter is a bit short I think, so pardon me. Writer's block is real you know. I had accidentally started another fanfic but it's not Naruto related at all. It's a Vampire Knight fanfic, so check it out if you are into that sort of jiggles. Also, I had to wiggle in some writing time for my original work too. So, yeah. Please enjoy this chapter and notify me of any mistakes there is and if you had an idea of sorts. Cheers!!


Hikari was running like a bat out of hell towards the Konoha General Hospital and behind him was his sensei who was following closely behind. The older man didn't say a word as he must have sensed the chakra spike in the general area in front of them. Hikari, with his Rinne-Sharingan enhanced Byakugan, was seeing everything. Naruto was holding a condensed chakra ball and surprised was written on the Uchiha's face as he witnesses this new jutsu from Naruto.

While still in the air, Sasuke produced his jutsu. It was a jutsu that was utilizing lightning chakra nature manipulation. A Genin with such technique had proved how much of a prodigy Sasuke was. Naruto, on the other hand, wasn't falling behind anymore as Hikari could note that the blonde's jutsu was pure chakra manipulation on an extreme scale. Both were aching to release their jutsus but Hikari was now within a hearing distance with them.

"Stop it..." Sakura desperately cried on the sidelines as she knew that there was nothing that she could do at all. When the boys began their attacks, she ran forward screaming for them to stop and Hikari grimaced for what about to come. Seeing that the boys couldn't stop their jutsu in time, Hikari burst there in his full speed.

"Brace yourself. Sorry that I'm late," Hikari whispered to his pink-haired teammate when he engulfed the girl in a hug to protect her from the incoming jutsu. Lucky for those two that Kakashi was not late for once. The man caught the boys' hands and sent them flying towards the nearby water tanks. Their jutsu was discharged on the tanks instead. Hikari let out a sigh of relief before he examined the girl for any signs of harm and he released her when he had satisfied that she wasn't hurt. Physically, that is. She must have been immensely devastated by her lack of ability to deter her teammate from fighting.

"Hey! You two!" Kakashi's voice was at the highest for a moment before it toned down to how he normally sounds. "What are you doing on the roof? If you're fighting, you're getting too heated, both of you."

Sasuke's hand was lodged inside of the water tank and when he pulled out his hands' water burst out of it and when he glanced on Naruto's, he was smug that Naruto's new jutsu could only dent the water tank. The smug smile was enough to stir up Hikari that was already angry due to the fact that they were fighting for no solid reason. Sasuke's satisfaction in having the upper hand made Hikari boiling with anger and disgust. The Hyuuga kid immediately walked forward, seething.

"You better wipe that smug look off your face Sasuke or I will peel that lips off your scum like face," the boy growled at the Uchiha. It was that incident at the ROOT HQ once again. Hikari's less than desirable personality was leaking out. Sasuke wanted to retort but when he saw the Hyuuga's face, he was instantly scared. The boy's Byakugan was glowing in red while a third eye that was behind the Hyuuga's bangs pierced through Uchiha's soul. His red-hued-black chakra robe had appeared on his body as the surrounding air grew heavier with his breath. A Gudoudama suddenly appeared on Hikari's hand before it changes into a Kodachi. Hikari would have killed the Uchiha in that instant but his movement was halted due to being silently sealed by another party that was watching the altercation. That man had appeared at the right moment.

"Calm down, that is your friend, remember? Dispell your sage mode at once," Jiraiya suddenly appeared in front of Hikari. "No matter how mad we are at our friends, we never hurt them. It's our job as sages to lead them on the righteous path."

"Ero-Sennin!!" Naruto was surprised to see the old man. Hikari brought his shaking right hand to wipe his face as he dispelled the sage mode. The boy was devastated to lose control that way. Instead, he turned to help Sakura. Distraction always helped as he thought.

"Why are you so obsessed with your superiority complex, Sasuke?" Kakashi suddenly appeared on the tank, chiding Sasuke. The Uchiha looked back at him with the darkest glare yet.

"That level of Chidori just now isn't an appropriate technique to be used against your comrade," the teacher continued. "Were you trying to kill Naruto? Where did such immature behavior come from?"

Sakura was surprised to hear such words from her sensei, she must have been disappointed with herself that failed to stop the fight. Hikari snorted at Kakashi's words, Sasuke's action would result in more than just Naruto's death. His mind might lose control yet again and killed Sasuke by accident. The Uchiha glanced onto Hikari's face before he grunted and jumped down over the building. The tension immediately dropped when Jiraiya began to scold Naruto in his fashion. The blonde kid, on the other hand, acknowledged his mistakes and apologized immediately. Sakura, on the other hand, was crying for her weakness.

"Take it easy, Sakura. There's nothing we can do. It's in the eye of the storm, we have to wait it out," Hikari said as he pats the pink-haired Kunoichi's head. She immediately pulled him in an embrace. Kakashi, then, jumped down the water tank and went over to comfort Sakura.

"It's alright!" Kakashi smiled like he always did. "Soon things will go back to the way they used to be!"

Sakura's mood became a bit better as she was finally sobbing uncontrollably. The two Jounins waited patiently until the Kunoichi finally stopped crying.

"It's time for us to go, sensei," Hikari finally announced.

"Huh, where to?" Sakura was puzzled of course.

"Godaime is mobilizing the Jounins for S-class missions. Sensei wanted me to tag along since, you know," Hikari explained as he was referring to his public promotion to Jounin. Satisfied with his answer, the girl smiled warmly towards the white-eyed boy.

"Be careful, Hikari-kun and come back safe," she said. Hikari grinned back at her and shouted goodbye to Naruto. The blonde didn't notice his best friend's goodbye because he was deeply thinking. Kakashi and Hikari then ran back to the Hokage Tower due to the mission dossier that was left there during which they felt Sasuke's presence nearby and Hikari gradually felt uneasy.

"You go on ahead, I need to talk some more sense to Sasuke. We'll rendezvous at the big gate in thirty minutes," Kakashi said before he disappeared and left Hikari on his own.

"Use the door, will ya?!" Tsunade scolded her junior that was sneaking in the office via the window. Hikari gave her a salute in return but he continued on his task.

"Sorry senpai! Just going to take Kakashi-sensei's mission dossier and I wanted to tag along with him," the boy announced as he took said dossier and fled using the same way he came in. Tsunade shouted profanities at the boy but Hikari was already long gone from there.

"Off on a mission?" Hitori asked as she entered the dressing room with bento in hand. "Here's a bento for you and your friends."

Hikari couldn't seem to tie his headband properly and the blonde woman chuckled at the boy before she did it herself. She hugged the boy before she rested her head onto the boy's chest.

"I am feeling a bit uneasy. Naruto and Sasuke almost killed each other just now. Will you watch over my teammates, Sakura especially? I got an S-class mission with Kakashi-sensei," Hikari asked while he gave her a peck on her forehead. The phoenix sage hesitated a bit before she nodded nonchalantly and then she kissed the boy back on the lips. Hikari immediately disappeared in a puff of cloud soon after.

"Hurry back," she whispered, dismissing the silence.

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