Chapter 26

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It was day two of our S-class mission near the Fire Country's border. We were chasing an Oto-nin that wreaked havoc on one of the country's satellite villages. Our suspect, Abe Ginzo, a Jounin class rogue nin from Takigakure who joined Orochimaru's brethren on the siege was a hard man to track down. That was saying something as Kakashi-sensei and I who were considered to be the top dojutsu masters in Konoha for the moment chasing him and still, the man was proven to be elusive. Luckily for us, he slipped up and as it turned out, he could phase through matter, solid and liquid but of course such technique required an immense chakra to keep it active. It was just before he emerged, he had immobilized my sensei with a poison-tipped kunai and Ginzo fled the scene almost immediately.

"I'll be fine! Carry on with the mission," Kakashi-sensei ordered me. I was going to ignore him and treat the man's wound but Torune suddenly appeared and helped my sensei instead. I was disappointed by his sudden appearance.

"Monkey-san, you had specific orders that involved, not to follow me around," I scolded the man.

"Forgive us, Hikari-sama. We are responsible for your safety," Torune countered. "If you wait any longer, your target will evade you, sir."

"Come, Hikari-sama!" Sai shouted from above. He was riding on his ninja beast drawn by his jutsu. I wasted no time at all by jumping up onto the said beast. When I was seated, we immediately flew towards the fleeing man. When Abe Ginzo was in sight, I hastily jumped down from the bird trying to headbutt the man off but I was met with rock hard ground. Debris was flying everywhere and when I stood up from my reckless fall, Ginzo emerged from the ground.

"Who the hell does that?! Are you a moron?!" Ginzo yelled at me. He was wearing a black jumpsuit with the Oto headband on his forehead, on his back was a large scythe that was caked in dried blood. He was panting heavily which was a sign that he was running out of chakra.

"A moron that can see that you are running out of chakra," I retorted, coughing as I took my Juken stance. The man withdrew the scythe and brandished it at me.

"Don't underestimate me, brat! I am not those weak Orochimaru-sama's lackeys," Ginzo was mad, he charged at me whilst swinging that big scythe of his. I'll admit that he was one step above the snake's minions, he was fast with the big, heavy scythe and as a result, my chest was slashed by it. Blood was dripping down my body but he had committed the worst mistake by coming this close to me.

"Now, who's underestimating who?" I gritted as I took the secret technique's stance. "Hakke Rokujyuyonsho."

This time, I had managed to hit every single Tenketsu on his body and sixty four fists later, he was sent flying towards a boulder. The boulder then smashed into smithereens and buried him in a pile of rock and ashes. Sai had dispersed his beast and jumped down before he kneeled before me.

"As expected from the Konoha Red Oni. That was reckless, Director Hikari. Here, take this, its a soldier pill," he said as he withdrew a bottle from his robe and threw it to me. I took a pill and I could feel that my energy returning and my wound had stopped bleeding. Torune suddenly appeared from nowhere carrying Kakashi-sensei who looked much better than before. My sensei sighed desperately.

"Ah, being saved by a ROOT, maybe my days are numbered," he said in mocked despair. I shot him an irritated look because he was mocking my friends.

"Kakashi-sensei, be nice! They risked themselves helping our incompetent asses," I said and he let out his patented chuckle to dismiss my words. Torune left my sensei to himself and went to assess our target's condition. I decided to help my sensei stood up on his feet.

"Hikari-sama, this man is dead. We could seal him in a scroll for easy transport back to Konoha," Torune announced from the rubble as he withdrew a scroll from his robe. I was taken aback by how he said to words with so much ease but my sensei clapped his hand once to disrupt my train of thoughts.

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