Chapter 9

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"Ready to go?" I asked Amber as I met her at her locker. The school day had flown by thanks to my mind being occupied by a certain someone. The project was coming along well and we had actually nearly completed it.

She nodded, looking up at me. "Yes, let's get out of here," she replied like she was leaving prison. I just smiled, knowing the feeling.

I walked her down the hall, making small talk. It felt so right being with her. I had no clue what was coming over me, but I liked it.

'Alex... we do need to talk when we get the chance... It is concerning Amber... and you.' Xavier said quietly.

I pushed him out of my thoughts, not needing this right now.

"Alex, are you even listening to me?" Amber asked, smirking in my direction like she knew something was up.

"Yeah, hearing every word," I said a little plain. Damn, I'm a bad liar at times.

Amber rolled her eyes. "I was asking what your family is like."

I shrugged. "Slightly dysfunctional. My older sister left when I was about eight or so. She left with her newest boyfriend and we haven't heard from her since. My parents practically disowned her after that. I was too little to understand what was happening at the time, but I'm pretty sure she was barely seventeen."

I walked us over to my jeep and opened the door for her, looking around. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw a group of guys eyeing us from across the parking lot; each one dressed in a tight black tee and dark blue jeans. It almost reminded me of a gang, yet we didn't have them around this area...

Shrugging it off, I got into the driver's seat and started my jeep, carefully pulling out of the school's parking lot.

"You know those guys?" I asked as I saw Amber eyeing them warily.

"I guess you can say that." was her only response.

Just another thing to add up to my whacky day.


I called up my mom ahead of time to let her know I was bringing a 'friend' home before we pulled up the driveway. I noticed Amber looking at my house as I cut the engine.

"It's not much," I said, looking at our small two-story home, "But it's home."

"I like it." She said with a smile. "It's cute."

I jumped out of the car and ran around to her side, opening the door for her, then lead us up to my door which I unlocked and went inside.

"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled into the small house. From the noise in the kitchen, I guessed that she was in there.

"Welcome home!" She called out, walking toward where we were, towel in hand. Her eyebrows seemed to shoot up when she saw Amber right behind me. "Oh! I thought you were with Sadie...?"

I'm pretty sure I heard Amber growl at the name, but again I brushed it off, thinking it was my hopeful imagination.

I frowned, "Mom, I've not hung out or worked with Sadie since we cut it off. Remember?"

Something akin to relief seemed to wash over her face. "Oh thank goodness. I never did care for that one."

Wow, way to be blunt, Mom.

"And Amber and I are just doing a history project," I said, biting back my annoyance.

My mom's face went blank for a moment before turning bright red. "Oh, yes, of course."

I rolled my eyes, then started heading to my room to get a few things. "I'll be right back. Mom, try to not embarrass me!"

"Now why would I ever go and do such a thing?" She asked, sending me a mischievous smirk.

"Because I know you would go and do just that," I stated, closing my door.

Jeez, she can be crazy.



After the embarrassing stories about Alex that had me laughing like a lunatic, Alex had eventually hauled me up to his room and closed the door. He handed me a laptop and sat next to me.

"Sorry about my mom," He said, rolling his eyes. "She tends to get that way around..." he trailed off.

"Around potential females?" I simply asked, sending a smirk his way.

He turned a little red.

"Yeah, I kinda figured that after finding out about Sadie and what your mom told me."

In an instant, he hopped up and went into the adjoining bathroom. "I'm just gonna take a shower. You keep on looking at some things for the project."

'Go to mate!' Jackie hollered in my head. 'He's getting all sexified and we can go and fu-'

'Dammit, Jackie!' I yelled back. 'I'm not just gonna jump the poor guy!'

'Why not? He's-'

"Find anything?" Alex asked, coming back in. I didn't realize that he had been so quick. I must really be slowing down today. The fact that my pack had been watching me so close back in the school parking lot wasn't exactly helping either.

"Yeah, I've found-" I stopped when I looked over at him.

Oh, sweet Moon Goddess...

Alex stood behind me in just his basketball shorts, water still dripping down his broad chest. It looked like he hadn't bothered to dry off too much and he still had his shirt in his hand as he peered at the screen. Great balls of fire, did he have a six pack?! I couldn't help but stare at his very toned body, agreeing with my now howling wolf. I watched a single drop of water make it's way down his chest and across his abdomen. I just wanted to lean over and lick-

"Earth to Amber? You alright?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he caught me staring. His face was blank and nonchalant, but the smirk in his eyes was clear as day. The Jerk.

"Yeah, fine." I squeaked, feeling myself blush like crazy.

Alex simply leaned in closer and read off of the web page I was on. I could feel his body heat resonating like a wildfire and the fresh smell of whatever shampoo he had used had my head spinning.

If he kept this up, I was screwed.

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