Chapter 35

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It was a Friday evening when my body gave out on me. Now, most people don't appreciate Fridays until you're in a position like me. You have worked your mind and every muscle in your body until nothing within you is left with any energy. Then, you push yourself beyond your limits, and at some given point, your body literally gives in.

'Don't ever remember a time when we were this tired,'  Xavier whined, as I fell back onto the soft grass.

Adam had us training in what I've been told are 'two-a-days'. A very early morning training, and one after school. To top that off, midterms had already begun, and the teachers were cramming it in us like there was no tomorrow. To top all of this, Adam had me taking private courses about being an alpha, and that now included battle tactics. Is that enough? Amber didn't seem to think so. Along with this, she got so fed up with seeing me miss on stupid archery, that she made it her personal goal to teach me. That meant an extra two hours after training was over.

Though, I couldn't complain too terribly since it was still alone time with her.

"If you don't get at least proficient on every fighting skill, how can you know what to expect from your opponent?" Amber had asked me at one point.

Back in Freshman year, I had played football. The coach was ruthless in practice, but it kept me in great shape and had even taught me mental discipline. Then seemed easy compared to the work I had put in this last month.

The only reason I was able to take a break now was that Adam had ordered it. I may have been a machine, but even machines needed the energy to work. On roughly fifty hours of sleep this month, not even the piles of food I have been ordered to eat have kept me on my feet.

After learning some more sword-play, and being knocked down a few dozen times, Adam seemed to see that I just couldn't hack it at the given moment and gave me a break. Sadly, I still had another two hours of practice.

"No, you don't," Amber said, sitting next to me.


"You don't have another two hours left."

I looked at her. "Did I say that aloud?"

She nodded. "Yup, and I'm making you take the rest of the day off. I'll talk to my dad about it."

I shook my head, wincing as I sat up. "No, I just need a quick break, then I'll be right up to it again."

She placed a hand on my chest and pushed me down with ease. "I mean it, Alex. Hell, I'm not sure half of me feeling tired is even me. I'm pretty sure I'm feeling a lot of it come from you, and if that's the case, you need to relax."

"If I relax now, I won't be ready," I said stubbornly, trying to get up again. Keyword there, 'trying'. I tried to sit up, but I ended up just falling back on the grass.

Great Moon Goddess it felt soft.

"If you don't' relax now, you'll be too tired to fight if this attack does happen." My mate reasoned, laying her hand on my chest.

I growled a little, trying to sit up again.

Nope, nothing.

Amber laughed, shaking her head in amusement at me. "I don't think I'll ever know what keeps you trying so much. A lot of people would have given up by now."

"I'm not like most people."

At this point, I was able to prop myself onto my elbows.

"Alex, you're beating even some of our finest wolves. What has you driving so hard to do that?"

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