Chapter 13

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How do you describe a deep feeling of love for someone you've known for less than three weeks? Because I had that exact same feeling for Amber. It had been like I've known her for years now and it was both shocking and startling. For some people, their parents would have started to get worried about things like this. Mine didn't. For the oddest reason, it seemed like they encouraged me. Even my dad, the voice of reason in our house, had been doing so. It was almost like they knew something that I didn't. But I wasn't going to be the one to complain.

Sadie had finally backed off when she had tried to humiliate Amber, and making me think that she was weak. Unlike most girls that I had tried to date, not only did it not work but pissed me off severely. I had ended up making a show of telling her off in front of a startled Amber. Amber didn't seem upset... just a little shocked and a little proud -- the latter was what confused me.

With that out of the way, our relationship was in full swing by the second week. Our History project went over well, and though we no longer had that as an excuse to see each other, it didn't quite stop us either. It was a very odd feeling. Like I couldn't get enough of her...

"Hey, lover boy? You in there?" Jack asked, stirring me from my thoughts.

"Sorry, just thinking." I replied.

He scoffed. "My ass. Try daydreaming. It's what you tend to do all the time nowadays."

I winced a little. "Sorry. But this time I was. I have dated so many different girls, and although some of them were decent, I have not once felt what I do for Amber."

Jack chuckled a little. "I'm surprised your parents haven't told you yet."

"Told me what?"

He just smirked. "Let's just say that when the truth comes out, you'll understand a lot of this."

I just looked at him. "Are you high?"

He shook his head. "No. I'm just not left in the dark. And it's not my place to say what's going on."

"Then tell me someone who is," I nearly growled at him.

I forgot to add that I've been doing that a lot recently. It's both disturbing and irritating because of it. And to top that off, Xavier has been very moody. Everything has just been... very confusing.

Ignoring the potential growl in my chest, I turn to see Jack pointing behind me. "How 'bout her?" He asked through a mouthful of spaghetti.

I turn and see Amber heading my way. I send her a smile, before whipping around to Jack again. "What would my girlfriend know?"

He flashed me a knowing smile. "More than you might think."

Amber sat next to me, cutting off my response to Jack. I turned to her, and all other thoughts were lost as Amber flashed me her million-dollar-smile.

"Hey," I said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Hey, yourself." She said, snuggling closer to me. "So when is that date you promised?"

I laughed. "Tonight."

Her face paled a little. "T-Tonight?"

"Yeah...? but that's okay if you're busy or something," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

She shook her head. "No, it's perfect. Um... can we... can we meet up somewhere? I don't exactly think you should meet my parents just yet..."

I chuckled. "That sounds good. 'Cause I'd be lying if I said that it would be fun to meet them."

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