Chapter 46

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It was the screeching alarm that rang out that had me jumping off the couch. I hadn't realized when I'd fallen asleep from the previous day, but I wasn't the only one. Amber was waking up next to me, also looking dazed. I looked around to see wolves rushing around the living room, grabbing gear and weapons. The sounds of gun-fire and snarls could be heard from outside.

"What's going on?" I asked a passing wolf, grabbing his arm to gain his attention.

"We're under heavy attack!" He said in a panicked voice. "It-It's worse than any of the other attacks combined!"

I growled letting him go and pulled Amber close to me. "I need you to get everyone that can't fight where they need to be," I said, feeling Xavier come forward, his power obvious. "Once you're done, come find me. I'll be with your dad who I hope won't be in the middle of a battle."

"Got it," she replied, quickly running out.

The minute Amber was out of my sights, Jack came charging into the room.

"Good, you're up. Adam needs you."

I nodded and followed him out of the pack-house, ducking and dodging bullets that flew overhead. Shouts and snarls could be heard close by and I swore repeatedly, wondering how they kept getting so far into our territory. The pack-house was in the middle of all our land, meaning we had to have fallen back very quickly.

A loud thunder-like thud sounded off from to too far, causing both of us to whip around and see the plume of smoke that followed shortly.

It was truly a war zone outside.

"I thought we fought in wolf form," I commented, ducking behind an old car that seemed to have gotten caught up in the fray as a spray of bullets got too close for comfort.

"With rogues, we would, but the hunters seem to be here as well," my best friend commented, looking over as a couple of wolves tackled and killed the hunter shooting at us.

I swore, following him once more after the immediate threat had passed. "I still don't get how they got involved with the hunters."

"We don't either. I was hoping Xavier might know?"


"I'm having the same issue as before," I replied, noticing that I wasn't feeling drowsy but still disoriented.

"What issue?"

"Xavier... he's subdued."

Jack growled, stepping over a fallen rogue. "We'll get Alpha's opinion on it. We really need you at your peak right now, Alex."

"Tell that to my wolf," I snipped, growing irritated.

We ran from another fray that broke out over to where a shed was set up that looked like a command post. A few military sized tents surrounded it, allowing some sort of protection against the battle raging outside. Adam was looking over some maps as if he were reading battle tactics.

"What's the news?" I asked.

"We're being attacked from all directions," he started, not once looking up. "They've got hunters, powerful rogues, military weaponry, hell it's the whole armada."

"Shit," I swore. "Alright, what do we need to do?"

"They seem to be coming in a constant stream, and everyone that's wounded seems to disappear and come right back to fighting five minutes later. We had to raise the alarm, due to the fact that it was so severe. What we need is to find what's got them coming so strong."

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