Chapter 43

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The last of our gear was packed in the back of Ariel's old Grand Cherokee, leaving us to say a quick goodbye to the place we spent the last month at. I had to admit, I was going to miss this place. The quietness as well as the time I got to spend with Amber. However, I did miss my own family as well as Jack, Sierra, and especially Jaydon. Regardless if he was my son or not, Xavier had taken a fatherly liking to him, and he had grown on me as well. I was nearly on the floor laughing at Amber's excitement to return to our pack.

Our pack.

The words held a ring to it still. I was nervous about running the pack, but it didn't scare me nearly as much as it used to. My time here, training with Emit, and spending more time with trying to understand Xavier had changed me; I just didn't know how. Not yet anyway.

"You okay?" Ariel asked, walking over to me.

I nodded. "Yeah. Just lost in thought."

She nodded. "You know, Emit and I will be staying around a little longer, so if you ever want to talk...?"

I looked at her. "What did you do to convince him to stay?"

Ariel laughed, "Well, once this threat is gone, we need to help clean up the damage. That... and... I've been wanting to settle down."

"Oh? Tired of running after rogues?" I asked with a smile.

She nodded. "It's been fun, but we need to slow it down a little. After being around you guys, and after meeting Jaydon... my wolf and I just want to finally have some pups."

I laughed. "Emit as a dad? That'll be fun to see."

She nodded, "I will admit my mate is a bit... much. But he's still my mate. And quite frankly, I think he needs to slow down as well. You know he's nearly forty?"

My eyes widened. "No, I would have never guessed. How's he staying so young looking?"

"He hasn't told me yet. But I have the feeling that if we keep this up, it's going to catch up to him and hit him hard. I don't want that happening."

"Time to pass the job onto someone else," I said quietly.

"Exactly," she paused. "Although, there are rumors about another one."

"Another what?"

"Another Rogue Hunter. One born to do so."

I smiled, thinking about that. "I will hope to meet this person sometime."

"I think you will, future Alpha," She said with a wink. "Being Alpha to one of the largest packs in the world typically draws attention."

I gulped. "I thought it was only in the U.S."

"Um, no, Adam is currently the Alpha to the largest pack in North America. The largest pack in the world is in Russia."

I gulped again. "Well, thanks a lot for that tidbit."

She winced. "Sorry, I thought we were already past this."

I shook my head, "Not even close. Which is why I'm gladly waiting for Adam to step down."

"You've got a few years until that," Ariel reassured me. "Until then, take what you can do day by day."

"Isn't that how you live? I mean, with fighting rogues?"

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