Chapter 12

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As I was walking to school like I usually do, I thought I should text Alex ans see what he's doing.

Me: Hey, happy it's Friday?

Alex: Totally. So, I was wondering. Do u have any plans for this weekend?

I stopped walking and looked down at my phone in shock. Was he really gonna ask me to hang out? Wait, it was probably so we could work on our project again.

'You are so stupid.' Jackie laughed at me. 'Of course he would want to hang out with us.'

'Hurtful.' I complained while she laughed at me again.

Me: No. Not yet. Y?

Alex: I was wondering if...

Me: ???? If.....?

Alex: Nvm. I'll ask you in person.

Me: Okay...?

Alex: How do you usually get to school?

Why is he asking me that? I wondered.

Me: I walk... and I'm walking right now. Y?

Alex: Where u at? I'll give you a lift

Me: Ok. Cool. I was actually walking towards your way...

Why did I just tell him that..? Now he probably thinks I'm some sort of stalker type crazy person,

Alex: I'll meet you... along the way I guess.

I smiled to myself and kept on walking so I could meet him halfway.

'We get to ride in his car!' Jackie screamed.

I jumped not really paying attention and her loud screech kinda scared me a little.

'Geez. Warn a person next time!' I scowled.

'Sorry.' She giggled.

'And I'm kind of excited too.'

'Kind of?' She asked.

'Okay, maybe a lot!' I smiled as I kept on walking.

'That's what I thought.'

I rolled my eyes and cut it off with her when I saw Alex's familiar jeep heading down towards me.

He stopped in front of me and stared at me the entire time I was getting into the jeep.

I put on my seatbelt and saw he hasn't moved, and he was still staring at me.

I gave him a small smile. "Um, so, are we going?"

He shook his head as if he was trying to clear his thoughts and I let out a little laugh.

The car ride was kind of silent, but it was also very tense for me because he asked me about where I lived.

What was I suppose to say? Oh ya, I live really deep in the woods at a pack-house where a bunch of people live at the pack-house. And we are all werewolves by the way. Just thought I should let you know when you asked me where I lived...

I thought I should try and change the subject somehow.

"So what was it you wanted to ask me in person?" I asked as I watched his face flush a little.

He let out a sigh. "Amber...I was wondering if you would like to go out with me. Like..on a date...and as..." His voice faded and he looked really nervous. He looked so cute being all nervous and what not.

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