Chapter Seventy Eight- Tell Him

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Okay guys so Brothers Best Friend is coming to an end soon. BUT I have a different ending if you guys want another book. Please leave your comments so I can make my decision! I love you all x

Ps- 'BA' in this chapter is pronounced ' B-A' not 'bah'

Chapter 78

Amy's POV

"I'm sorry for accusing you of hiding something from me yesterday, I was wrong and I overreacted and acted like a fucking asshole" I sigh as Harry holds my waist pulling me close to him. After Klaus walked out I could tell Harry felt terrible. I didn't know how the argument started but I caught the ending and I couldn't of been anymore in love with Harry than I already was. The way he spoke about me was just- just something I had never experienced before. No one had ever spoken about me like that. It was strange to hear such strong words especially in front of my brother. But I admired him for it.

"That's cause you are an asshole" he jokes smirking playfully making me gasp hitting him in the chest playfully. I loved this side to Harry. The playfully, silly and sweet side which I think not a lot of people got to see. I could see he was a little down about his fight with Klaus just by the look in his eyes even if he tried to cover it with humour. I knew him too well.

"Harry! I'm trying to apologise!" I whine smiling up at him. The ups and downs we had been through at the minute we're making us stronger. But I couldn't help but still feel like there was an underlying issue. His secrets. He was hiding something from me. But in order for me to figure it out I would need to act like I didn't think anything was wrong. Hence why I was apologising to him.

"Okay well I don't care... I'm over it" He says and I kinda feel a little bad for faking the apology but it needed to be done. I smile at him just as I start to hear Klaus and Jade arguing outside. Harry and I both turn our heads to the doors leading to the garden and I watch as Harry's expression drops. I knew he would be blaming himself for all of this right now. I place a sweet kiss on his cheek comfortingly causing him to pull his attention back to me with a smile.
"Do you wanna go to fair in town? It's supposed to be good, there's a haunted house..." he smiles trying to avoid the topic of Klaus obviously. I would usually press him to tell me what had happened for this to go down but right now I decided against it.

"Really? Can we go?" I smile at him and he nods.


"Niall, Eva- do you wanna come to the fair?" I cut him off looking over to the couple on the couch.

"Fucking yes!" Eva squeals jumping up whilst Niall rolls his eyes at her reaction. Harry tugs my hand and I turn looking back at him.

"You know I did just mean us two, but..." he says with a small smile on his face and instantly felt bad. Of course he meant just us. How fucking stupid was I?

"Oh I'm sorry! Shit- I just thought it would be really fun if we all went" I say and he frowns playfully.

"What? I'm no fun on my own? Is that what your trying to say?" He teases rolling his eyes at me as I push my hands up his chest before locking them around his neck.

"No..." I sigh pulling him down to my level a little more causing our noses to brush together.
"I have the most fun when I'm on my own with you" I smirk and he raises his brow at me taking his bottom lip in between his teeth. He knew exactly what I was hinting at I could tell by the way he was reacting.

"Oh really?" He smirks and I nod as his lips brush against mine.
"Because I actually find you quite boring-" I pull back at his words instantly.

"Harry!" I groan hitting him in the chest as he laughs at me. I push his hands from around my waist frowning at him causing him to laugh lightly.

"Come on.. I'm joking!" He smirks grabbing my hand pulling me into his chest again making me roll my eyes at him.

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