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I'm sitting in my car at the lake. My plan was to drive to the lake and keep going. Then I would drown and be dead. Suicide or car accident. This was the only chance I had for a while. I hated my life and was ready for the lord to call me up. The lord had other plans so I had to take matters into my own hands. It's hard to kill yourself without people knowing you killed yourself.

I wasn't always like this. I was once happy and always smiling. I had a fiancé, a nice house, a good job, and a fancy car. Then my grandma and dad died, I lost my job, I found out I couldn't have babies, and my fiancé left me. I now live alone in a Okay apartment with a regular car working at a department store. My mom tries to keep my spirits up but my spirit is already dead.

I started up my car and got ready to back into the lake. A lady started banging on my passenger window. I put my car in park and rolled down my window. "Yes" I said. She looked scared and out of breath. "My baby. I need you to keep my baby. He's going to kill us. Save my baby. The lord told me to give her to you. All her papers are in this bag with some formula and diapers. Just please take care of my baby in Jesus name. She is in danger" the lady said really fast putting the baby and the bag in my car. "I can't take care of your baby" I said as she walked away. "The lord chose you. I have to go" she said before she ran. I watched as she ran away. Then a car ran her over intentionally. The man got out of the car and stood over her. "Where is the baby Tasha" he yelled. "I threw her in the lake. I didn't want you to hurt her" she yelled at him. He started kicking her and beating her. He turned and looked toward my car so I took a picture of him. He kept looking around until he pulled out a gun and shot her three times. He got in his car and pulled off. I turned around in my seat and looked at the baby.

"The lord huh" I whispered to myself

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"The lord huh" I whispered to myself. I crawled in my back seat and pulled down the seat so I could get to the trunk. I pulled out some pillows I had. I laid the pillows on the floor in the front and put her on the floor. Then I slowly made my way to my moms house the long way making sure no one was following me. Once I pulled up I grabbed the baby and the bag and ran in the house. "Payton. Why are you running? And whose baby is that" my mom asked. "So mom I'm going to be honest with you so don't judge me" I said. "Please do" she said. "I went to the lake today planning to take my own life" I started. "Payton" she interrupted. "Just listen. When I got there I sat in my car for 30 minutes. As I was about to do it a lady comes banging on my window. She puts this baby and this bag in my car saying to take care of her baby they are in danger and that the lord chose me to take care of her baby. Then she left without anything else said. I watched as she ran away" I said. "So she gave you her baby" my mom asked. "A car came up and hit her momma. Then the man got out and killed her" I said. "Well I think it's a sign from God. He's telling you that there are people in this world that need you. You are here for a reason even if you didn't figure that reason out yet. This baby is going to give you a new purpose. You had a setback for this major comeback. The doctor told you that you couldn't have kids and the lord gave you one anyways. She may not be biologically yours but she's yours now" my mom said smiling.

"I'm not ready for a baby mom. I don't have anything but some diapers and formula that she came with" I said looking at the sleeping baby. "Listen you need that baby and that baby needs you. Now follow me" she said. I laid the baby on the couch and laid pillows on the floor. We walked to my old room where my mom had boxes everywhere. "When you first told me you were pregnant I bought some stuff. Then you lost the baby and found out you'd never have kids. I was going to sell it all but just never got around to it" she said opening the closet. There were a bunch of gender neutral items in there. "Wow mom" I smiled. "Well pull it out" she said. I pulled out some boxes and we started going through everything.

"It's not much but it's something" she said

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"It's not much but it's something" she said. She had a bunch of white onesies and socks with lots of pacifiers a shopping cart cover and blankets. "Thanks mom" I said hugging her. "I also saved up like $2,000 to go shopping whenever you found out the gender" she whispered. "So you want to go shop" I laughed. "Please" she smiled. "Alright let's figure out her name and age and stuff first" I laughed walking back to the den. I grabbed the bag and pulled out the papers first. Her name was Reine Beau Hunter and she was born April 26 which meant she was 6 months old. (Her name is pronounced Rain Bow Hunter)

I changed her diaper which looked like it has been on all day and made her a bottle. Luckily the formula my mom had was the same kind she drunk. I threw two of my moms bottles in my purse along with some diaper bags. My mom grabbed Reine and I grabbed the car seat. I put it in my car and my mom buckled her in while I put the pillows up. The first place we went was Walmart. Although we were going on a shopping spree we had a budget and wanted the most for our money. We both grabbed a cart and I pushed the one with Reine in it. The shopping cart cover had a pillow for babies that can't sit up like Reine. My mom led us to the baby section. Since I already did my research on baby stuff and what the best brands were I already knew what to grab. My mom grabbed lots of formula and wipes. "I want to get bottles and diapers from buy buy baby" I told my mom as I grabbed some bibs. We got a boppy, lots of cute clothes, headbands, baby wash, high chair, crib sheets, white noise machine, wash cloths, towels, lotion, hats, mittens, stroller, toys, and books. As we headed to the checkout I saw someone I never wanted to see again.

"Hey Payton" Jacob said holding hands with some girl. Jacob was my fiancé that dumped me because I couldn't have babies. "Hey Jacob I have something for you" I said as I dug in my purse. I pulled out our ring and tossed it to him. "Oh thanks" he said. "No problem" I said about to walk away. "Uh Denice this is Payton. Payton this is Denice my new fiancé" he said. The whole time he was looking at Reine. "Oh that's cute. This my baby Reine" I said. "That's your baby" he asked. "Yes this is my baby" I said. "She's cute" Denice said and Reine started crying so I picked her up. "I thought you couldn't have kids" Jacob said as I gave Reine a bottle. "Well I have one and we have to go. It was not really nice seeing you again. Denice its nice meeting you. I hope you are up to having lots of babies because if not he will leave you. I know by experience" I said as I walked away. My mom pulled my cart to the checkout.

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