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I woke up in Micheal's bed wrapped in his arms. Reine was in the playpen next to the bed. I slipped out of the bed and went down stairs. I quickly fixed breakfast before they woke up. I threw some toaster strudels in the toaster as I made the bacon and eggs. Once everything was done I poured orange juice in a sippy cup for Reine and a regular cup for Micheal. I put there stuff on a tray and slowly carried it up the stairs. When I got to the room Micheal was getting Reine out of the playpen. "Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you " I sang. "Oooo look sunshine we got food" Michael said. He has been calling her that since Christmas. I sat the food beside them on the bed then went to freshen up.

"Did you eat" Micheal asked as I walked out of the bathroom. "I'm not really hungry" I said grabbing my clothes. "I'm not getting ready until you eat" he said pushing his plate toward me. "Fine" I sighed. I took a couple bites of his eggs and then Reine gave me a bite of her toaster strudel. "Thank you baby" I said. "Finish it" Micheal said getting up and going into the bathroom. I quickly finished his food and cleaned Reine up. "Happy Birthday sunshine" I said. I changed her diaper and put on her black onesie. "Mm" Reine said pointing to my phone. "Phone" I said. I looked to see my mom calling me on FaceTime. I answered and handed Reine the phone. "Happy Birthday Reine" my mom yelled making Reine laugh. I put on her gold tutu as my mom talked to her. I put on the gold crown headband and her gold moccasins. Micheal came out on a towel and went to the closet. "Bye bye" my mom said and hung up. I put Reine on the floor and went into the closet. I grabbed a gift bag and handed it to Micheal as he stood in his boxers. "Is this for me" he fake gasped. "Just open it" I laughed. He pulled out a gold Gucci belt and a gold Rolex. "Woah woah. Is this real" he asked getting excited. "Duh" I laughed. "Oh shit. Thank you love. I love it" he said hugging me. "Now hurry up and get dressed. I picked out your clothes" I said pointing to the outfit I picked. I walked back in the room and put on my black form fitting dress with my black louboutin suede sneakers. Micheal came out with his black jeans and his black button down on with the two top button undone. He put on his belt, watch, and gold chain. "Baby where are my shoes" he asked brushing his hair. "Look by the window" I said fixing my slick back ponytail. "Momma" Reine yelled. "Yes baby" I said poking my head out of the bathroom. She walked up to me and put her hands up. "Hold on Reine" I said doing my edges. She soon started crying. "Come here sunshine I'll put you to sleep" Micheal said. "Momma" Reine said falling out. "Levántate" I spoke in Spanish using my momma voice. Micheal picked up Reine and walked out of the room.

Once I was ready I walked downstairs with the baby bag and my purse. "Micheal" I called. I found him laid out on the couch with Reine asleep on his chest. "No more pacifier" I said. "Leave my baby alone" he said. I fixed Reine some snacks for her bag and threw her extra birthday outfit in her bag. "You look beautiful" Micheal said coming up behind me. "You look handsome as always" I said. "This bump looks good too" he said rubbing my belly. "I know. Everybody is going to know. I should change" I said about to walk away but he pulled me back. "Just tell them. I mean your mom will sooner or later" he said. "I don't want everyone getting attached. What if this one dies again" I said sadly. "You just gotta have faith baby but you can't ignore it. It's better to go through this with someone than by yourself" he said kissing my head. "I remember on our first real date you got so drunk" I said. "Oh God" he laughed. "When I got you home you were just talking and you said that you talked to God. You said that it wasn't me that couldn't have kids it was Jacob" I said. "I told you that" he asked and I nodded. "Look I have dreams and my momma told me when I have dreams with God it's probably him trying to tell me something. That's why I didn't tell you" he said. "Well maybe he was trying to tell you something but we have to go" I said.

We pulled up at Monkey Joe's and I got Reine out. "Um hello this is a kids party. Why y'all gotta shit on everybody" Taylor said. "One outfit for all day" I said. They already had everything set up since we were late. "Wait can I get a picture" Riley asked. She took our picture then took Reine to go play with Reese, Shaniya, and Tristan. I saw some of my friends and family as well as Micheals friends and family. As I was talking to my mom someone covered my eyes. "Hello love" someone said. "David" I said turning to hug my brother. "What's up girl" he laughed. "How have you been" I asked. "I'm good. This is my girl Chanel" he said pointing to the girl beside him. It was the same girl that was trying to talk to Micheal at Walmart a long time ago. "Well hello Chanel" I said. "Y'all met" he asked. "She knows a lot about me but I have no idea who she is" I said. "Well we have been talking for a year now" he said. "So you were the one telling her all my damn business" I said. "What are you talking about" he asked as I walked away from me.

I walked around talking to everyone until it was time to eat. Everyone came and sat down. We ate pizza then sang happy birthday and ate cake. "Alright time to open presents" Taylor said. "Do mine last" Micheal whispered to Taylor. I helped Reine open her presents as Riley took pictures. She got a lot of clothes, toys, and David bought her diapers. "Okay this one is from Micheal" Taylor said. "Well I already asked her and she said yes. But this is just the adoption papers" he said and everybody cheered.  He sighed the papers and kissed Reine. "Reine say daddy" Reese said. "Daaa" Reine screamed and everybody laughed. "Ok now Payton has an announcement" Micheal said. "What" I said. "Just tell them. Trust me" he whispered in my ear. He stepped behind me as I looked at everybody smiling at me.

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