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Sorry guys writing with Reine is harder than I thought, even during this quarantine. I just started back working so I'll be finishing the book now.

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"Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy" someone yelled as they poked me in the face. I opened my eyes to see two little boys yelling at me. I closed my eyes again and when I opened them I was holding the boys in the hallway. "Mommy. Mommy. Mommy" they yelled. Then they stopped and the door bell rang. The door swung open and two big men dressed in all black marched in. I couldn't move or speak. One went behind me as one stood in front of me waiting. The other one came back dragging Reine. "Mommy help me" she yelled. I tried to grab her but my hands were full. I tried to put the boys down but they always popped back in my arms. "Noooooo leave her alone" I yelled as I kept trying to put the boys down. "Mommy" Reine yelled as they threw her in a yellow camero. The man in front of me was now beside me laughing at me. "That's not your baby" he whispered. Then a man walked in with a mask on. He pointed a gun at me and slowly took his mask off. It was the man that killed Reine's real mom. It was Reine's dad. "Thank you for taking care of my baby" he said before shooting me.

I woke up screaming. Micheal came running out of the bathroom. "What's wrong" he asked. "Where is Reine" I asked out of breath. "She's sleeping in her room" he said walking toward me. I got out of the bed and walk to the door but he grabbed me. "Payton what's wrong" he asked. "I had a dream" I said rubbing my belly. "About what baby? Sit down you don't look too good" he said pulling me back to the bed. "There were two boys that I couldn't put down and then these men came to take Reine. It was her real dad and he shot me. I tried to help her but I couldn't put the boys down" I explained. "Baby it was just a dream. Her dad is in jail and doesn't even know who you are. I will always be here to help you" he said rubbing my arm. He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. "I'm just going to go check on her" I said getting up. Her room was dark with only the light from the window. I looked over the side of her crib. Reine was sleeping peacefully in her bed.

I felt a slight pain in my stomach that wasn't normal. I looked down to see my feet soaked. I grabbed Reine and her emergency bag before walking back to my room. "What are you doing baby" Micheal asked. "Come on" I said putting my feet in my Nike slides. I threw his hospital bag at him and walked down the stairs. "Payton wait" he yelled as I made my way down the stairs. He met me at the front door and grabbed Reine. I grabbed my hospital bag and shut the front door. Micheal ran up to me and froze. "What's wrong" I asked fighting through the pain that was beginning to increase. "How you feeling" he asked grabbing my arm. "I'm good we gotta go Micheal" I said squeezing his hand. "Baby I need to call an ambulance" he said feeling for his phone. "Why you're a doctor let's go" I said trying to walk. My slides were wet so I kicked them off. I looked down and saw blood. "Don't panic" he said before putting the phone to his ear. "What's wrong with my babies" I cried. Micheal was talking on the phone to the operator and I could hear the house phone ringing. I felt a contraction as Micheal walked away to check on Reine. I put my hand in my pants and felt a head. I tried my best not to panic as I pulled my pants down. Thankfully our walkway was surrounded by y'all bushes or everyone would see me. I pushed one more good time and caught my baby. I sat on the chair that was on the porch and held him on my chest. I heard the sirens getting closer. I wrapped the baby in my shirt so he wouldn't be cold as he began to cry. "Micheal" I yelled.

Instead I saw two EMT workers rush over. "Well good job momma" one of them said. "How are you feeling" the other asked. "I'm okay" I said. "I'm going to cut the cord and wrap him up in our special blanket" the first one said. Another man came to help. "Okay we need to get her on the gurney" he said. "What about my other baby" I asked. "She has twins" the first man said holding my baby. They got us both in the ambulance and checked us some more. "Where is Micheal" I asked weakly. "He is with your daughter. I think he got her locked in the car" one of them said. "Yes he busted his hand trying to get her out" the other one laughed. "You should be with them soon" the first one said. I looked at my baby as he slept peacefully in the mans arms. The man was checking my vitals when I blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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