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I woke up to my alarm going off. I quickly turned it off before it woke up Reine. I got out of bed and peeked in her crib. Last night was horrible but it was only the first night so I expected it. I got in the shower and freshened up quickly. Once I was done I called my job and explained that I had just adopted a baby so they told me I could use a maternity leave. Then I got a notification from daily inspiration that said you will only be happy if you make the most of your situation. I went to my kitchen and fixed myself some oatmeal. Then I fixed Reine a bottle. I have to go to the store and buy cereal for her bottles. I fixed a small bowl of grits for Reine. I turned the tv on and turned on the news. I heard her crying as someone knocked on the door. I quickly ran to grab her. "I'm coming" i yelled as I put her in her swing. I opened the door for my best friend Taylor.

"Hey girl I haven't heard from you in two days" she said. "Oh sorry I've been everywhere" I said letting her in. "Woah there is a baby in your house" she said. "Yea I know" I smiled. "Umm explain" she said. "Alright come on" I said picking her up. I put Reine in the high chair and put a bib on her. "So I'm going to be completely honest with you because the more I think about it the more I realize God is good. Anyways yesterday morning I was sitting at the lake ready to drive into the lake to die. I sat in my car for 30 minutes going back and forth in my head" I said as I fed Reine her grits. "As I was about to just do it a lady comes banging on my window scared as crap. I roll down the window and she puts the baby in my car with her bag. She's like they are in danger and she needs me to take care of her baby because God chose me. Then she left not saying anything else. I watch her literally run away and get hit by a car. The man gets out and she tells him she threw the baby in the lake. He beats her up and shoots her. I'm left with this baby" I said. "So you're just going to take care of this random baby" Taylor asked. "Yes I am" I said leaning the high chair back and giving Reine her bottle. "Well I think this is good for you Pay. I would say take her to the doctor and get her checked out. But yea I do think that it was nothing but God's doing. I want to let you know I will always love so please never leave me" she said. "I won't but I will take her to the doctor while I'm on maternity leave. My mom and I went shopping yesterday and she went crazy. We also saw Jacob and his new fiancé" I said. "Swear. Ooo I swear I would have tore that ass up. I hate him. What did he say" she asked. "He asked about Reine and I said she's mine" I shrugged. "Ooo now he's going to think she's his" she laughed. "I know I shouldn't have done that" I said as I ate my oatmeal.

I looked at the tv as Taylor played with Reine. Then I saw Reine's mom on tv. I quickly turned it up. "If you have any information on Tasha Hunter's death please contact your local crime hot line" the tv said. "I know what I gotta do today" I said. "What" Taylor asked. "I gotta go to the police, tell them what happened, and get Reine in my custody" I said. "Let me give you some advice because my sister is a social worker. Tell them that you knew her and y'all had been talking about her giving you Reine for a while" Taylor said. "Alright" I nodded. I went to my room to get dressed. I put on my black wide leg pants with the bow and my white tank bodysuit. I put on my black sweater and black pumps. I picked out Reine a flower onesie that had a matching headband with some grey pants and her clear jellies. Taylor got her dressed while I did her hair. "I love her diapers" Taylor said. "Thanks they are honest diapers" I said fixing my bun. I packed Reine's bag and filled up her bottles. "What kind of bottles are those" she asked. "They are b.Box bottles. You push this button and the formula goes into the water easily" I said.

Once we were ready I put Reine in her new car seat we bought since her old one was for bigger babies. I drove to the police station and got Reine's car seat and bag out. "Hello. What can I do for you" a man asked. "Uh yes I was watching the news and I have info on the Tasha Hunter murder" I said. "Uh follow me" he said. He lead me to an interrogation. "Wait right here" he said before walking away. Reine was sleeping in her car seat. I texted my mom to tell her I'll be over when I leave. Then two officers came in. "Shhhh she's sleeping" I said. "I apologize ma'am. My name is officer Jones and this is my partner officer Manly " the black officer said. "My name is Payton Allen" I said and officer Manly wrote it down. "What's the reason of your visit" officer Jones asked. "I have information on the murder of Tasha Hunter" I said. "What's the information" he asked. I pulled out my phone and showed him the picture. "This is the guy that killed her" I said. "Can you tell us what happened" he said handing my phone to officer Manly.

"I was sitting at the lake waiting for Tasha. When she showed up she looked scared. She gave me the baby and ran away. I watched her for a minute then a car came and hit her. That man got out and was looking for the baby. When she said she threw the baby in the lake he beat her and shot her three times" I said. "It was her baby" Jones asked. "Yes" I said. "Why did she give her to you" Manly asked. "I can't have babies and she couldn't take care of her baby anymore. I was going to adopt her baby but before we got to finalize everything he killed her" I said. "Do you know this man" Jones asked. "No" I said. "We are going to need you to email us this picture" he said handing me my phone. They did some stuff and got my contact info. "Thank you for your lead. The man you showed us is James Smith. He has been on our radar for six years" Manly said. "No problem. I now have to make Reine my legal child" I said picking up the car seat.

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