12. Devil's awakening

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Alexa King's house
September 19, 2018
1:02 a.m.


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CONGRATULATIONS! YOU found another letter. As you may have noticed, they don't have a specific order. They're just short narrations about how my pathetic, meaningless life came to its inevitable end. Take it as parts of myself that were completely hidden or as reasons for why I might've been killed. I don't care how you see it because there's only one truth and, unlike art, you can't come to a conclusion that best fits your narrative.

Pieces of the story are going to be in each of the letters and it's your job to unite them all to make a whole. The truth will always be there, in these pieces of paper that hold my subjective account of the events. It's your job to find it among what's not being said in what is written, and in the weird history of our corrupted town. Don't want to put pressure on you, but the lives of others are in your hands.

I guess you found this letter by one of two things: either you're Alexa, so astute and the person I prefer to read this, or you're someone smart enough to convince Alexa to give you the painting. Whichever the case, I'm still going to narrate something for your wicked entertainment down below.

I met him in April of this year, after running away from one of Logan's jealous tantrums. When I write met, I don't mean I literally saw him for the first time in my life. He's been in my life for so long, but he was always unnoticed, blending with the rest of the boring men that overpopulate this shitty town. For me he was too uptight and completely off limits, until I found him on the edge of the riverbank.

He didn't notice me at first and I wanted it to remain that way for a little longer. Maybe that's why I hid behind a small bush to watch as he harmoniously blended with nature. His sleeves were rolled all the way to his elbows and his bare feet were sinking deeper into the wet dirt that connected with the water. I remember the sound of his low sigh, how it sounded tired and beautiful all at once. He tipped his head up to the cloudy sky, some strands of his hair falling out of place (so weird for a guy who's always so polished), and put both hands inside his trousers' pockets.

For the first time, I thought he was beautiful. Blame it on how peaceful he looked while nobody was around or on Logan for being his usual dramatic self, but I knew in that moment that I was destined to meet him there. My heart was beating so fucking hard, and I just wanted him to see me hidden there, spying on him like a fourteen year old girl would. My wish came true when I accidently stepped on a small twig.

The sound of it breaking immediately caught his attention and when he turned around to see where it was coming from, I noticed the nakedness of his entire torso and the cross pendant dangling from the lace around his neck. His shirt was unbuttoned completely and he seemed surprised, like I interrupted an intimate moment. Never in my life had I seen him so vulnerable and I have to admit that that's how I love him the most.

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