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Dedicated to -ineffablyflawsome because She is the most sweetest Person I KNOW! Plss follow this angel.

I lay my head on Daniels shoulder and sigh, the movie was over and I was the only one who made it to the end. I was kind of scared because I was the only one awake in the darkness alone as my friends drooled over my couch. I slowly move Sam's head from my lap and quietly stand up, the empty packet of Lays falling to the floor.

"Hey," I look at Anna who falls to the ground, releasing a loud groan as she rubs her head. I move over to her and sit down on the cold floor beside her.

"Anna?"  She drags her body to a sitting position and lays her head on my lap.

"Yeah," I swallow the lump forming in my throat, trying to find the courage to ask her the question that was nudging me for some reason. I wanted to ask her now, at this instant when she was still drowsy and tired, mom always tells me a honest answer comes from a sleepy or drunk person. And I wanted to try that out but I knew that if she was going to be honest, either I get a good answer or an answer I would dread.

"Do.... do you think someone can actually like me?" I was afraid of the answers I could get from that question which has been looming in my head for the past few days.

"I mean, do you think anyone can like a mutant without feeling sympathy?" She sits up and faces me, her grey eyes darker and her melanin ethereally glowing in the dimly lit room as she studied my face.

"No." I smile a little, I knew it. No one can like me without feeling sympathy.

"Sympathy will always be there, we cant get rid of it, they will show sympathy to anyone, no matter how complete you feel you are," My eyebrow shoots up, I didn't quite get what she was trying to say, yet I still nodded.

"Why do you hate sympathy Hales? Some people love using it for their own advantages.....everyone does."

Why did I hate it? I look out at the window, the only light source in the small room, searching for a coherent answer from the flickering lights on the street below, "Im tired of it," I sigh.

"Actually I dont really know. Its like when they show me sympathy they are forcing me to become vulnerable. I dont like that... I guess."

I turn to face her when her long fingers sprawl against my knee, "does that make sense to you?" She nods, a smile adorning her beautiful face, her afro slightly covering her grey eyes.

"Hales listen to me, you are beautiful, very beautiful. Your beautiful, your smart, your funny, your generous, sometimes Im even jelly, Im Like, 'How dat bitch manage to be perfect all the time?'" I laugh at her Southern accent interpretation, her strong British accent seeping in a little.

"But Hales, you should know that no one in this world nor this galaxy is complete. In a way we are all disabled, one may be pretty but has a bad heart, another may not be attractive but they've got a heart of gold. We dont get it all okay? Cherish the part you have," she gently places her fingers under my chin and lifts my face up. I smile at her, tucking away the loose strands of hair that had fallen on my face.

"You are beautiful," she pulls me towards her, enveloping me in her warm arms.

"And Ive got to go," and just like that, she pushes me away and walks towards the door. She wasn't a fan of tears, but tears loved to taunt her. She ran away from anything that made her emotional. Ive never seen her cry and I dont think I ever will. I do know she cries sometimes in the toilet at the coffee bar, her silent sobs echoing throughout the bar but she never knows we hear and we never inquire about it because we all knew she didn't want us to see her in no other way but tough.

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