Chapter Nine

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"So, now that we're wandering through the woods naked-" Noah began.

"Uh, excuse me, you're the only naked one here." Sadie corrected. Noah frowned at her.

"Thanks to you," Noah grumbled.

"Anyway..." Sadie held the belt loops and pulled them up higher.

"You ever going to tell me what that whole freak out thing was the other day at school?" Noah asked, glancing down at Sadie.

Sadie shrugged unconvincingly. "Did you not see the water soaking my school books?" She muttered, not making eye contact with Noah.

Noah laughed. "Whatever that-" he said, motioning to her, "was, was not about those books." He said.

"Those things are expensive!" Sadie cried.

"So you cried, flipped out on me, and cried some more all because some jerk ruined your English book?" Noah asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sadie pursed her lips and kept her eyes trained forward. "Yep."

Noah shook his head. "Fine. Don't tell me."

Sadie rolled her eyes. "And what about you? Why are you so concerned about me all of a sudden? You've never cared before." She snapped.

Noah frowned. "That's not true." He muttered.

It was Sadie's turn to laugh. "So you're telling me that all this time that we've spent not been friends in high school, you've secretly been caring about me this whole time?" She asked. Noah remained silent. Sadie nodded. "Thought so."

"I'm not some heartless jerk, you know." Noah snapped.

"Could have fooled me." Sadie mumbled. Noah stopped walking.

"Maybe you've just been too stubborn to give me a chance." He said, crossing his arms.

Sadie rolled her eyes and stopped walking as well, turning to face him. "Oh please. I've given you plenty of chances. I've given everyone plenty of chances. And every time I did, I was disappointed." She snapped. Noah crossed his arms. "Not that I owe you some explanation, but being constantly bullied and called a freak doesn't exactly make me want to be all friendly-frances to everyone." She said, looking away.

Noah frowned. "I never bullied you-"

"But you never stopped anyone, did you?!" Sadie cried, throwing her arms up in exasperation, but dropping them immediately to grab the waist of the jeans so as not to flash Noah. "Just because you didn't call me names and knock the books out of my hand doesn't mean that standing around and laughing while it happened made you some saint." She snapped, and stalked away. Noah scratched the back of his neck and followed slowly behind.


"Shh! There they are!" a voice cried from the bushes.

"Are you an idiot?! You're the one being loud!" The other voice cried. There was a loud scuffle and then two large men tumbled out of the bush.

Men wasn't really the right description. They had the body of a human, but looked like they had taken steroids on top of weight training. Their skin was a strange shade of blue, and their eyes were bright green. Their mouths were wide and their teeth razor sharp.

"Weiss! Why did you push me? What if the humans had been standing right there?!" One of the 'men' cried, looking around. With his enhanced eyesight, he could see the almost naked boy and strangely-clothed girl just crossing over a hill.

Sadie, EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now