Chapter Sixteen

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Unbeknownst to Ella, Sadie and Noah spent the night in her barn, to ensure that things went smoothly the next day when the prince would hopefully arrive to try on the glass slipper, if all went according to plan. Sadie slept on the opposite side of the barn, her strengthening feelings for Noah frightening her. She wasn't used to not being able to control her emotions, and she had no practice with romantic emotions--it was a completely new experience. This was one of those times that she didn't know what to do about not being in control.

Noah had settled into a mix of sulking and irritation. He was angry with himself for not being brave enough to just tell Sadie how he felt about her, and the fact that he couldn't read how she was feeling left him depressed. After dropping Ella off at her home and entering the barn for the night, he hurriedly moved as far away from Sadie as possible.

Neither Noah or Sadie slept much at all that night. It was like they were suddenly very aware of each other's presence for the first time, and couldn't stop thinking about the fact that they were so close, and yet still so very far.


Morning came slowly, and Sadie found herself exhausted as she sat up from the hay pile that had served as her bed. She rubbed her eyes and stood slowly, finding Noah already awake, sitting inside the doors of the barn, looking out at the yard. Sadie hesitantly took a seat next to him. He glanced at her and then at her head, smiling slightly as he picked out some pieces of straw that had found their way into her hair.

"Thanks," She muttered. They were silent for a moment.

"So, what happens today?" Noah asked finally.

"We wait for the prince to find Ella. And then...I don't know. That's where the story ends." She shrugged.

"Constance will probably show up, to take us back."

"Probably," She agreed.

Noah took a deep breath. "So look, about last night-" He began.

"Wait, look!" Sadie cried, standing up. Noah sighed in frustration, but stood up as well. The pair watched as a fancy, but haggard-looking, carriage rolled up on a lopsided wheel to the front of the house. As Noah and Sadie approached, they found that the carriage was extremely smoke damaged. Sadie groaned and covered her face with her hands.

"There's the prince," Noah said. "Wait, is he limping?" he asked. Sadie glanced up to see the prince indeed limping out of the carriage. He also had a bandage wrapped around his head and a chunk of his hair was missing. Sadie's mouth hung open as she took in the prince's state and groaned again loudly.

"Do you think he knows it was me?" Sadie whispered. Noah shook his head.

"I don't know how he could," he assured. Sadie nodded slowly and the two hurried ahead of the prince and into the house.

They opened the door to find the stepmother and step-sisters standing there, also looking a little worse for wear, waiting for the prince whom they had just seen arrive. Before they could ask who the heck Noah and Sadie were or why they were in the home, Sadie pushed past the group of people and sprinted up the stairs to the attic, where she knew Ella would be locked. Noah stood there uncomfortably as everyone stared.

"And who are you?" One of the step-sisters asked, swaying over to Noah and batting her eyelashes.

"Uh, no one," he said quickly.

"You don't look like no one." she said, taking ahold of his arm. She turned quickly to her mother. "Mother, I want this one instead. Anastasia can have the prince." She claimed.

Sadie, EnchantedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora