Chapter Twenty

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"No!" Sadie cried, as Entropy, standing before them, raised her scepter, and pointed it at one of the fairies hovering above the ground. A blast of green light shot from the scepter, and suddenly the fairy seemed to be encompassed in a sort of green ball. The fairy squirmed as it tried to push itself out of the orb, but to no avail. Entropy jabbed the scepter in the direction of the orb once again and with a flash of light, the fairy fell to the ground, unconscious. Sadie watched in horror as a light starting at the tip of the scepter began moving downwards, towards Entropy's outstretched hand that grasped it. The light left the scepter and touched her hand, soon covering her whole body before disappearing.

"Mm, that felt good." Entropy said in a creaky voice. "Another power added to my collection. Now, who's next?" She asked, green eyes flashing as she looked around the group.

"No one! You have no right to take the powers away from anyone!" Sadie yelled. She stepped in front of the others. "They're not yours to take." She muttered through gritted teeth.

"A brave one, aren't you? Well, as noble as you might feel, you're going to be feeling a lot less when I get through with you." Entropy laughed, and pointed her scepter at Sadie.

"No!" Noah yelled, jumping in front of Sadie. Noah pushed Sadie to stand behind him. "No." He said again, quieter but more firmly. He glared at Entropy.

Entropy paused, and lowered her scepter. "Well, what do we have here? Young love, how sweet." She sneered. Neither Noah or Sadie responded. "You'll be happier to go together, then?" She asked, raising the scepter again.

"No!" Ella's voice cried, and in an instant she was in front of Noah. "Not my friends." She said determinedly.

Entropy rolled her eyes. "Oh, honestly, you do realize that I can just kill all of you, right?" She asked, exasperated.

"Why?" Ella whispered. Entropy's eyes flashed.

"Why? Why? Why not? I have become better and stronger with these new powers. I can do what I want. I can take over the world anytime I want." She snapped. She looked to Noah and Sadie. "I must admit, I've never seen a human before." She said, looking them over. Noah frowned.

"What do you mean? You're human. She's human." He said, pointing to Ella.

"I am?" She asked. Sadie raised an eyebrow. Entropy cackled.

"Oh, you are so naive. We're not human. Humans come from your universe. We are Utopian. We are advanced. We have powers of which you could never dream. And you're going to die before you get the chance." She bellowed. Before she could kill anyone, however, a low voice spoke behind Entropy.

"No, they're not." He growled.

"What now-" Entropy began, and turned to see an ogre standing with three of his friends. The ogre that had spoken yanked the scepter out of her hand, and tossed it to the side before picking Entropy up. Entropy screamed as other creatures began surrounding her.

"Treznor! Weiss!" She cried as she began shooting beams of light at the other creatures with her hands. Apparently, her scepter wasn't her only power source. From behind two trees stepped the Evil Queen's henchmen, and they joined in the fight, throwing beams of orange at the creatures. To Sadie's horror, more creatures like Treznor and Weiss began to appear, adding to the number of evil creatures in the fight. The fight grew as more creatures of each side joined, and soon all hell had broken loose.

"Noah!" Sadie cried as she was swept away with the crowd.

"Sadie!" He yelled, reaching out to try to grab her, but it was no use. Sadie dropped to the ground and crawled quickly to the right, in the direction of where the scepter had fallen. She was about a foot away from it when it was zapped out of reach. Crying out in frustration, she crawled toward it again. Sadie reached out to touch it again and it bounced away from her. A cackle above her made Sadie look up.

Sadie, EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now