Chapter Fourteen

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"Dude, this place is enormous." Noah whistled as they walked down one of the many carpeted hallways of the castle. The two had had to climb through a window to get inside, resulting in bruised elbows and a severely scarred scullery maid. Currently, she was locked in one of the bedrooms.

"No one needs a house this big. Think of all the homeless people you could house in here." Sadie criticized.

"Seriously," Noah agreed, and Sadie raised an eyebrow, surprised that he hadn't made some sarcastic comment to argue with her.

The two were about to turn down another hallway when there was a loud pop and suddenly they were not the only two in the hall.

"Constance!" Sadie cried. The witch floated in the air for a moment before landing on her feet.

"Hello, humans." She chirped, and Noah rolled his eyes.

"Are you here to take us home or what?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"No." Constance said, adjusting the gloves she wore on her hands. Noah threw up his hands in exasperation.

"I'm going to the bathroom," he mumbled, and walked back down the hall. Sadie continued to watch Constance.

"I'm here to check on your progress." The witch explained.

"Well? What do you think?" She asked proudly, placing her hands on her hips.

Constance gave her a look. "You're getting there. Cinderella needs to actually meet the prince in order to fall in love."

Sadie's arms fell to her sides. "They haven't met yet? It's been an hour!" She cried. Constance rolled her eyes.

"Ella may be beautiful, but she is far from confident. She's been standing in the corner avoiding her family since she got here." Constance explained. Sadie blew out a breath.

"Well, what are we supposed to do?" She asked.

"Join the party. Encourage her to talk to the prince. Keep an eye out for her." Constance explained as if it were obvious.

"Dressed like this?" Sadie asked, glancing down at her plain brown dress.

Constance made a face. "Ugh, no." She grumbled. With a wave of her hand and a flash of light, Sadie found herself no longer in the scratchy dress, but now in a long, pale pink ball gown. On her feet were a pair of silver heels and upon inspecting her hair, she found that it was now pinned up in an elegant bun.

"Wow," she murmured, feeling the skirt of the dress.

Noah re-appeared then, coming around the corner. "Dang, those bathrooms are nice-" he stopped when he saw Sadie. "Whoa." he said, his voice suddenly hoarse.

"Aw. Cute." Constance said, and Noah's cheeks turned red. Shaking her head, Constance waved her hands, and Noah was suddenly wearing the same attire as they had seen the other men wearing outside the castle: white pants tucked into black riding boots and a white jacket complete with a long tailcoat. Gold buttons ran up the front of the jacket. Overall, he looked extremely handsome. Sadie gulped, glad that Noah was busy investigating his new attire instead of watching her face burn red.

Sadie glanced down at her dress once more before freezing. "Hold on. You just got us ready for the ball with a wave of your hand." She said slowly.

"Good observation." Constance murmured, twirling her hair.

Sadie stared at her for a moment before throwing her hands in the air. "Then why couldn't you do that for Cinderella?!" She screeched. Constance stopped twirling her hair, looking annoyed.

Sadie, EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now