Chapter Ten

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Sadie shrieked and grabbed onto Noah for support. The Furgafoon went higher and higher into the air. Once they leveled out, Sadie scooted to the edge of the creature and peered out past its wings.

"Whoa! Look!" She cried, and Noah joined her. Below they saw the forest, its green colors blurred as the Furgafoon sped along. In the distance, they could see the castle. It was an incredible view.

"Dang," Noah said, and Sadie glanced at him to see him smiling as he eagerly leaned over to watch the trees below. Smiling, she looked back at the ground moving quickly under them.

In no time at all, they reached the village. They landed just on the other side of the valley, where it seemed people were already working on building a bridge over it.

"I'm impressed," Sadie nodded approvingly at their hard work. After 'purchasing' some nice grass for the Furgafoon, Noah saluted the creature and made their way toward the town square. "Okay," Sadie began, ready to work. "First, let's find those shoes." She said.

Noah stopped walking and placed his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow. Sadie stopped once she realized he wasn't behind her. After frowning at him for a minute, her eyes widened a bit in realization.

"Right," she said, snapping. "Clothes first" she amended.

Noah nodded. "Thank you," he said, and hurried ahead of her.

An hour later Sadie stood in the cheapest dress they could find. It took them longer than expected to find new clothes because they had to do some hard labor to pay for the wardrobe. Sadie wore a light beige dress with ¾ sleeves that fell to her ankles. It was nothing special, but Sadie thought it made her blend in. Noah wore brown pants, work boots and a light blue cotton button-up--Sadie had convinced him that they shouldn't stand out, and promptly threw his other clothes into a trash can. The look on the store owner's face when Noah walked in clad only in his underwear had had him embarrassed enough that he didn't stand around to argue.

"Perfect. Now we blend in." Sadie said, satisfied. Noah scoffed.

"Hardly. I don't think anyone grew taller than 5'5 in the Middle Ages," he said, glancing around at all the men and women he towered over. Sadie sort of felt like a giant as well. Sighing, Noah shook his head. "Okay, the shoes?" He asked, adjusting his pants. Sadie had to admit he looked pretty handsome in this attire.

"Yeah. Oh, and hair and makeup!" Sadie suggested.

Noah groaned. "Are you kidding me? Why can't you just do it?" He asked.

Sadie pursed her lips. "While I'm flattered that you think I could be good enough to do it -" She began.

Noah held up a hand. "I just said it because you're a girl."

Sadie fumed. "You-!"

"I'm kidding." He said, holding up his hands. Sadie punched him in the arm. "Okay," he said, stepping away from her. "We should split up."

Sadie crossed her arms. "In case you forgot, genius, the last time we split up you ended up in jail and I had to save your butt." She reminded.

"Lucky you. It's a nice butt to save," He retorted. Sadie rolled her eyes and Noah grinned, but his expression changed when he noticed something behind her. Grabbing the skirt of her dress, Noah yanked her behind the stone building, knocking her roughly into him.

"Ack!" Sadie cried, and then frowned and crossed her arms. "Next time just ask me to move." She muttered. Noah shushed her and peeked out behind the building. Sadie did the same, and suddenly understood why he was acting so strange. The guard that had been outside his jail cell earlier was holding up a lantern while entering building after building, flanked by two other guards.

Sadie, EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now