Chapter Thirteen

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"Nice place," Noah mused as the three entered Cinderella's home.

"Thank you," Ella said. They stood in the downstairs kitchen, and although it was dark, it was large and made of stone and would be considered very rustic and in-style in the modern world. "Follow me, I will show you my room." She said, and they walked through the kitchen towards the back. Noah had to duck slightly because the ceilings were not made for people taller than 5'10.

The bedroom they entered was very tiny, all the way up in the attic of the home. It was dark and cold. Cinderella quickly lit a candle and the soft glow revealed a tiny bed and a narrow closet. Nothing else was in the room. Cinderella lit another candle near her bed and Sadie screamed.

"Geez, what?!" Noah snapped, jumping at her sudden outburst.

"Loooook," She complained, jumping from foot to foot. She pointed to Cinderella's bed, where a group of mice sat, looking up at them. Sadie shook her hands, trying to get rid of the feeling of disgust that had overcome her.

"You're afraid of mice?" Noah asked, laughing slightly. He pressed his lips together when she glared at him.

"Oh my, I do apologize. These are my...friends..." Ella trailed off, realizing how pathetic she sounded. "Um, I can move them."

"No no, that's fine," Sadie assured, grimacing. "I'll get over it." Ella nodded and went to her closet, while Noah snatched up a mouse by its tail and held it by Sadie's face. She almost tripped backwards in fear, slapping the creature away from her. The mouse flew out of Noah's hand and they both watched as it hit the wall beside her bed with a squeak and fell to the ground, lifeless.

Sadie stared at it open mouthed. Noah pursed his lips.

"Go get the mouse before she sees it!" Sadie hissed.

"Why me? You killed it!" Noah whispered back.

"You put it in front of my face!" Sadie retorted quietly. Noah sighed but walked over to the mouse and crouched down to examine it. "Oh god, is it Gus-Gus?"

Noah frowned. "Who?"

"Okay, I'm ready!" Ella exclaimed. Noah stood up and swiftly kicked the mouse under the bed. Sadie plastered a wide smile on her face.

"Great!" She exclaimed, hurrying to her bag. She carefully pulled out the gorgeous blue dress and Ella gasped, slowly sitting on her bed.

"Is that for me?" She whispered. Sadie nodded and she squealed with happiness.

"Let's get you dressed. Noah, out." Sadie commanded, and Noah stepped out of the room. After shutting the door, Sadie handed Ella the dress and turned around as she changed. After a moment of fabric moving, Ella made a noise of excitement and Sadie turned around. "Wow," she nodded. "You look great."

Ella stood beaming, the dress sparkling and shimmering around her. It fit her perfectly (thanks, Wizard man) and accented her blue eyes. "I love it," she whispered, looking in the mirror. Sadie opened the door for Noah and he paused when he saw Ella.

"Wow, you look hot." He said. Sadie frowned.

Ella placed her hands on her cheeks. "Do I? I do not feel it," She said worriedly. Noah laughed.

"Sorry, I meant beautiful. You look beautiful." He amended. Ella blushed.

"Anyway," Sadie interrupted, stepping in, not sure why she felt annoyed. "We have a hair appointment for you soon, so we should go." She said. She glanced at Ella's feet. "Oh. The only thing we don't have for you are shoes. We wanted to get you those glass slippers that Noah was trying to steal, but they were gone when we went back for them." She explained.

Sadie, EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now