chapter 3 (The Gun)

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Stacey's POV.

I kept ignoring him but as soon as he told me he has a gun my heart almost stopped. He  has  a f*cking gun in the class. Omg he is really f*cking crazy. I turned around to face him and he was f*cking smiling.

"You lying." I whispered as I prayed to god he was actually lying, but I could see his face. He was so f*cking serious.

"You want to see?" He asked with a big smirk on his face and I quickly nod my head because a part of me didn't want to believe him.

"You don't know my life angel. I can kill you and everyone surrounding you and I wouldn't feel anything." He said pulling his shirt up and I quickly looked to see his gun.

Omg who the f*ck carries a gun around. Is he a psychopath ? Tears started to drop from my eye which I didn't even notice until his filthy hands were wiping them away.

"I don't like seeing my angel sad, so don't cry unless you want me to start shooting your classmates." He raised an eyebrow at me as I quickly nodded my head.

"Stacey what's wrong ?" The teacher asked me as soon as I turned around. Damn I am still crying. I quickly wiped  them away and before I could say anything Liam hit my chair with his foot "Can I go to the bathroom please ma'am?" I asked because I couldn't believe what i just saw.

He has a f*cking gun in the class I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I couldn't risk anyone's lives.

"Yes, Are you fine ?" She asked as I got up and nod my head. "Ma'am can I go with her ?" Kaitlyn asked getting up.

"No! you may not." Liam snapped at Kaitlyn.

"Who the hell do you think you are ?" Kaitlyn got up shouting at Liam. She has a temper and Liam has a gun. Omg he is going to kill her.

"Do you want Kaitlyn to come with you Stacey?" The teacher asked me as both Kaitlyn and Liam snapped to look at me.

"Yes." I quickly replied and Liam raised his eyebrow trying to warn me "No ma'am. She doesn't have to come with." I changed my mind because i knew he was going to kill her if I didn't.

"You don't look well Stacey someone has to go with you." Miss Cayl said looking around to find someone to go with me.

Liam quickly got up and grabbed my arm "I'm going to go with her, you don't have to ask anyone else." He said interrupting Miss Cayl.

"No you a boy." Miss Cayl said but he  just ignored her as he pulled me out of the class.

"Let me go!" I snapped at him as soon as we were out of the class.

"Behave angel. I don't like your attitude." He said as he pushed me to the wall. "Now about tonight, who you coming with ?" He asked.

"Kain." I quickly answered as he raised an eyebrow. "Who the fuck is he ?" he asked.

"My boyfriend." I was lying but I didn't care. He doesn't own me.

"The f*ck did you just say ?" He asked as he took a few steps towards me. But this time I wasn't sacred I don't know why but I just didn't want to tell him the truth.

"I said his my boyfriend." I repeated even though I know he heard me the first time. He quickly pushed me to the wall and  grabbed my face.

"Don't let me ruin your pretty face. So tell me who's this kain" He said but I don't answer him. I didn't want to show him that I was scared of him. But my damn eyes weren't helping.

"So you not going to answer ?" He asked taking his hand off my face. I quickly shook my head and he  smacked me.

He literally smacked me so hard that my neck almost turned around.

"What the hell is your problem with me?" I asked and he just gave me a wicked smile "F*ck You." I said as he quickly took his gun out of the blue.

He pointed the gun on my head "Don't f*ck with me. Now you going to go back to class and call kain." He threatened me.

"I swear there's no kain." I said as I closed my eyes trying not to look at him in the eye. His really crazy.

"I know." He said making me open my eyes in shock. What the hell does he mean he knows ? How does he even know ?

"I know a lot about you more then you think Stacey 'Marshall" He said putting his gun away.

"How do you know my surname. I never told you." I wiped my tears away and asked him.

"You mean your fake surname?" He asked raising an eyebrow. what the hell is he talking about? How the hell does he know me so well evens.

"How--" Before I could answer I was interrupted by him "Now about tonight. You will be going with me and don't even try to tell anyone what happened here."

He turned around "You don't own me." I yelled at him and he quickly turned back to me with an evil smirk on his face "That's what you think angel."

"Why did you do that to Kaitlyn in class?" I asked changing the subject because i could see he was angry. He already had dark eyes and him being angry made his beautiful eyes even darker.

"Kaitlyn Salvatore ?" He asked shocking me. How the fuck does he know her surname too ? Who the hell is he evens ? I quickly nod my head.

"Stay away from her. Don't say I didn't warn you." He said folding his arms across his chest "And tonight be ready at 8 because I don't like waiting."

I didn't even agree with him but he just left me hanging and went straight to class. Tonight will be a night I will never forget I guess after all I'm going to be going with the devil himself.


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So what do y'all think will happen at the party ?

What do y'all think of Liam after this chapter ?

How do you think he knows Kaitlyn and Stacey?

*** Stay time for more****


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