Chapter 41 *Return of Psycho*

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Stacey's POV.

I quickly got dressed. Today is the day I finally say Goodbye to Liam if he refuses to be Angel's father. I know I'll always love him but my daughter's happiness is my first priority.

"Can we leave?" Rex came in and I nod my head. "Where is Angel?" He asked. "You know she's the reason, I lied to Liam."

"I know." I picked up Angel. "You'll keep her in the car, can we leave?" He quickly followed me.

"The deal was, I see Angel before Liam, now let me see her." He quickly took Angel from me and she started crying. "She looks exactly like a Salvatore. I can't believe I'll marry a blonde, she'll be Angel May in no time." She started crying more and he rolled his eyes. "She's as irritating as her Father."

"She is not irritating, she just doesn't like you." I said.

"You are right. She doesn't like me, she loves me." He replied and I rolled my eyes.

We arrived at the park quicker than I thought. I know I came here for Angel's sake. I want Liam to meet her but if he wants nothing to do with us than we will move on. I'll make up a lie to convince Angel that her father never knew about her. I'm sure she won't blame me for anything.

"Wow." Liam giggled the second he saw me with Angel. "I should've known Rex was going to do this. I will kill that Fucker."

"Liam, let's talk for our daughter's sake. She's just a baby, you don't need to punish her because of me. She deserves a good life, Liam and you know I can't give her that."

"And you think I care?" 

"Just keep her once, I promise you will change your mind about her." I tried to give Angel to him but he moved away.

"I'll drop her." He giggled. "Look me in the eye and tell me what you see?" He looked straight at me but all I could see in his eyes were hate for me. I know I did nothing to him, except loving him but why does he still hate me.

"I know you hate me but what did she ever do to you?" I asked.

"I hate all babes but I hate yours the most. Angel, just leave before you make yourself a target." 

"Wow." I shook my head. "You know Liam, you just proved to me that you are the worse person to ever fall for. You are selfish." 

"Tell me something I don't know." He smiled at me.

"I feel disgusted whenever I see your face. I can't believe I love you, but don't worry. I promise to forget you and to tell my daughter, she never had a father. I feel sorry for you because you really think you the only one that had to go through a lot." I wiped my tear. I know I would shout at him and curse but I can't do it in front of my daughter. "Liam, thank you so much for today because honestly if you were not honest with me I would've still think you are capable of love but you not. You are heartless and the only good thing you ever did for me was giving me angel. So thank you so much and Goodbye."

"Now that your happy, change your last name." Liam said and I giggled. "Angel, I'm serious."

"I don't take orders from you." I replied. "Now let me leave before my daughter wakes up."

"You'll regret keeping my last name." He shook his head. "It's a dangerous game you playing Angel. Trust me, my enemies might Slaughter your daughter to get to me. You know she isn't my weakness, she's yours."

"You can't scare me Liam." I said and he walked away. "Are you seriously going to walk away, again?" I shouted but he didn't bother answering me. 


The second I got home, I put Angel to bed and started telling Britney about what happened. She didn't believe me at first but after a while she did.

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