Chapter 4 (Choose )

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Liam' s POV.

I left stacey and as soon as I got in class I saw the Miss Cayl still speaking in front of the class but I just ignored her.

"Yo who's kain ?" I shouted as I stood infront of the class not caring that a f*cking teacher was here.

"Liam." Calum snapped at me as I got on the teachers chair and stand on it.

"I'm not going to ask again." I shouted and the teacher looked at me confused thinking I'm crazy, but well she's right.

"Him." They all said pointing a finger on a boy that was sitting at the second last desk. Well well well, so there is a kain. We'll see about you dating him Stacey.

I quickly jumped off the chair as the teacher looked at me waiting for me to clean her chair but I just cleaned my shoes instead.

People worship the ground I walk on and she is insane if she thinks I will wipe her chair clean.

"Liam, You remain me so much of that troubled boy. The only reason you not getting detention today is because of tonight's charity event and because you new." Miss Cayl said raising an eyebrow at me angry.

"Which boy?" I asked ignoring everything else she actually said.

"What's your surname son ?" She asked changing the topic.

"Firstly I'm no ones son and secondly can I sit at the back of kain ?" I asked even though I wasn't really asking because if she says no I will still go sit there.

"No! there is someone sitting there al-" I walked and told the girl to go sit on my place.

"Thanks ma'am." I said sarcastically.

"So where was I kids before Liam rudely interrupted me ?" She asked as soon as Stacey come in the class smiling.

What the f*ck is she smiling for ? Rule #1 No more smiling for stacey unless it's for me or I tell her to smile.

She looked at me and raised an eyebrow and I gave her a devilish smirk which made her worried because I was now sitting at the back of her beloved boyfriend even though I know they ain't dating.

She quickly took her seat mouthing "Leave him, his not my boyfriend." So I just shook my head smiling at her.

I started hitting his chair with my leg and he got angry and turned around "What?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"What's your problem dude ?" He asked making me angry. How the f*ck can he ask me what's my problem after my f*cking angel just said his her boyfriend.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked making him raise an eyebrow.

"No!" He exclaimed "Not that it's any of your business." He added making me angry even more.

"Stay away from my angel." I kicked his chair making him angry but he has no idea who the f*ck his talking to. If this school didn't teach him manners then f*ck I'll teach him manners myself.

"Who the hell is angel ?" He asked so i quickly pointed at Stacey who was watching us with one eye even though she thought I didn't notice.

"Stacey ?" He asked making me nod my head slowly "Dude you just come here now. Stacey belongs to me or June because we saw her first so back off unless you want us to beat you."

I laughed at how foolish he was threatening me. I don't know what these school teachers teach the children but I f*cking know that they all don't care about their lives threatening me. Liam f*cking Salvatore. The most wanted killer in the whole f*cking America.

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