chapter 23*Don't catch feelings*

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Stacey POV.

A month has passed and everything went back to normal. I went back to school acting like nothing happen. I might've got shot outside the school but the teachers don't know about it. For the passed month Liam has been training me, I couldn't refused because he threatened me.

I have been getting a bad feeling about the reason why Liam wants me to learn to shoot but I don't care about my feelings anymore.  I cry myself to sleep some nights because I wonder how my life would be if my parents were still alive.

I walked down the streets of New York - every shop I ask for a part-time job turned me down. I don't know how I will offord my own place if I don't get a job.

"Stacey." A voice said behind me and I quickly turned around. "Don't trust that boyfriend of yours." The man added. I couldn't even see his face probably.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"That's not important." He started. "Liam is who you should be staying away from, he is bad news." He continued. "Don't follow your heart use your brains or else the feelings you catch will kill you and you going to end up like me. Remember my words." He smiled at me and my heart stopped beating when I saw a gun pointing at me. "It's for my own protection, I won't shoot you. " He mumbled and a car stopped in front of us. Before I knew what was going on he got in the car and left.


"You have been sitting like that the whole day Angel. Did something happen today?" Liam questioned and I smiled at him. I can't seem to stop thinking about what that man said to me today but I can't tell Liam.

"No." I shook my head smiling at him. "I was watching the news the whole day." He nod his head and left without shouting or telling me I'm lying.


Liam's POV.

I went downstairs angry and saw my sister and the brothers laughing together.

"Let's go." I shouted angry and they all followed me.

"What happened?" Lexie questioned.

"Angel left the house today and the mayor saw her." I shouted angry.

"We all know she's hot Liam but looks don't kill. The mayor just looked at he---." I pointed my gun at him and Rex stopped talking.

"Liam, please give me the gun. Just calm down, Stacey is alive that is all that matters." My sister took the gun away from me.

"I asked you all to look after angel but you all left her alone. That mayor could've killed her today if I wasn't there." I was furious not because the mayor could've killed her but because she lied to me and trusted him.

"Liam, stacey is alive so pleass just forget about today." Calum replied. "It's better we focus on what we going to do about the mayor."

"Liam don't you think it's time you told us the plan?" Lexie said.

"Yes Liam, we tired of your tomorrows." Rex mumbled.

"In order to kill the mayor, I'll have to use angel. She's the only one that is like me." I started. "Rex and Calum, I'll tell you what you will do for me and as for Lexie, you not part of it sister. I'm sending you away."

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