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LILIAN STORMED OUT OF THE BIOLOGY CLASSROOM WHEN THE LUNCHBELL RANG. Her face told everyone to back off, or get their own faces beaten up. Every warned student scurried away as they saw her. The only one that didn't understand that fact today, was Mike Newton. A boy from Sophomore year who thought he had a chance with any girl. To naïve to understand that Lilian didn't date anyone. Not even a god if he asked nicely.

"Hey Lilian," Mike Newton started with a cheered smile, as he leaned at the lockers next to hers. Lilian glared at the boy, who couldn't take a hint and rambled on, "so, I was thinking... I'm having a party at Tyler's next Friday, because it's the end of the schoolyear, anyway, I was wondering if you'd fancy accompanying me as my date?"

Lilian raised both her eyebrows, her mouth slightly agape by the boy's courage, but as well because of his stupidity. She slammed her locker shut and Mike flinched.

"Listen up, Newton, take a hint. I glared at you, that means that I don't enjoy your company." Lilian seethed through her teeth, noticing the small audience that had gathered around them. "So, do you honestly think that I'd go on a date with you?"

"Yes?" Mike stated questionably. Lilian rolled her eyes.

"I meant no. No, Newton, I'm not going to that party, and especially not with you." Lilian said sharply, glaring at Mike even more.

"But why not?" The boy whined.

"I said no, Newton. Stop whining or you'll have to move your party to the hospital." With that, Lilian Harper bumped Mike's shoulder whilst walking away and left for her table.

When she arrived at her table, there barely were chairs. Frankly, there weren't any chairs at all. Most of them were stolen by the popular group in the middle, with as its captain, Lauren Mallory. Lilian growled and wanted to walk over there and push that bitch off her chair – but her name was called.

"Lil!" Collin waved her over, from the table of the Cullens. He saved her a seat. Lilian's eyes looked at the ceiling, before she sighed.

"Please, gods, stand with me." Lilian grumbled, walking over to the newbies' table. She nodded stiffly at the Cullens, her stone-cold eyes seeking contact with each one of them.

"Isn't that the girl who made me do as I was told?" Emmet Cullen joked, his wide, white smirk probably ocular from the other side of the cafeteria.

"Guess so. I didn't really get a chance to introduce myself... I wasn't really in a good mood over the past few weeks." She muttered, as a matter of apology. Lilian cleared her throat mockingly and her eyes got a mischievous glint.

"Hey, I'm Lilian Harper, the most impossible girl you'll ever meet. Don't try to cheer me up when I'm pissed, or you'll end up like Newton over there." Lilian said, gesturing to Mike Newton at the popular table, where he sat down shivering a little and his eyes were wide and shocked. The Cullens looked surprised.

"What did you do to him?" Edward, whom Lilian had formerly called Bronzy, asked astonished. Lilian shrugged, taking a sip from her water bottle.

"He asked me on a date to Crowley's. I said no. He kept whining, so I told him that he should stop, or else he'd have to move his party to the hospital." A smirk crept up her face as her eyes met her brother's.

"You are a tough one, aren't you?" Alice chimed, as Lilian noticed how close she and Collin sat together. Lilian hummed.

"I assume." She said curtly, no emotion on her face. There's a silence and Edward started a conversation with Emmet and Collin about baseball. Still, Lilian had the idea that Collin was hiding something from her. The way he comfortably sat with the Cullens, without any distrust, which she felt incredulously much. These people were dangerous, every nerve in her body told her to run and hide, hoping that they wouldn't find her.

Lilian could feel their eyes on her before she looked up from her lunch-plate. Jasper Hale and Edward Cullen looked at her, their looks somewhere worried, but also cautious. She realized that every time when she was wondering about how peculiar the Cullens were, Edward always looked her way. The sprockets in her head started to work.

Suddenly, the muffled sound of Bryan Adams' Summer of '69comes from Lilian's bag. Wide eyed, Lilian took her phone and listened to the voice of her aunt Allison.

"Aunt Allison?" She asked, "He's found?" Lilian immediately rose from her chair and took her bag. Collin, who sat up straight when he heard his aunt's name, did the same.

"We have to go... could you please tell that we've family business?" Collin whispered to Alice. Alice nodded, and the twins rushed towards their car.

"Sam?" Collin asked, as soon as they entered the house of their aunt. But nowhere they could find the meager, boney boy they'd called their cousin. Instead, there stood a muscled, full-grown man. He looked like he was twenty-five, but Lilian could see his eyes looked innocent and somewhere scared. Then she realized, this was Sam.

"Oh, my God. I'm so happy you're okay." She whispered, near tears. She ran into his arms and hugged him. The Quileute wore a pair of jeans to his knees and a simple T-shirt.

"When did you become this... buff?" Collin asked, as he and his cousin shook hands. When they touched, Sam's nose wrinkled.

"Since when do you smell that awful?" Sam asked seriously. Collin's face straightened, and Lilian looked confused.

"Is everything alright? I sense some tension, whilst we all just should be happy..." She said, although she trailed off when no one reacted. "Fine... I'll leave you boys to it. Where's your mother, Sam?"

"In the kitchen." Was the short answer.

God, Lilian thought, they looked as if they were going to rip each other apart.

"Why do you smell like a leech?" Sam asked him as soon as Lilian was out of audible distance. His voice was demanding and his tone harsh.

"Since when do you know about them?" Collin shot back.

"Answer my question, Collin. Why do you smell like a vampire?" Sam demanded again. Collin scoffed.

"The fact that I have a girlfriend doesn't really apply to you, does it?" He snapped with a grin. Sam never liked the fact that Collin was better than him.

"It does when your girlfriend is a walking corpse! It isn't natural! They shouldn't exist. They did this to me!" Sam hissed, his anger raising.

"Did what? Because of them you've become some super-hot-chick-magnet? Sorry, I don't see the problem there, Sam." Collin said sarcastically. Sam sighed.

"Listen, Collin. There are some genes in our family, and there's a possibility that you have them too... I'm just warning you. If it appears so, and that leech of yours finds out, she'll kill you on the spot. Boyfriend or not. They hate and despise us. We hate and despise them. It has always been that way, and it'll stay that way." He said darkly.

"Then what the fuck are we?!" Collin exclaimed, frustrated with the riddle-like way his cousin was speaking.

"Werewolves, Collin. I am a werewolf."

[1] gratefully invisible ~ jasper haleWhere stories live. Discover now